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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

At the moment, I was waiting with Nader on the hospital bed, both of us in silence when I decided to break it.

"Where do you think they went?" I questioned, picking at my nails.

He shrugged in answer. "No idea. But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with our enemy."

"Silent Death?" I clarified.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Oh? Why?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

Nader looked around the room, before giving me a cautious look.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, alright?" he said.

I nodded my head firmly,

"Ok, so the two of our gangs used to be really close allies. We'd help each other out and shit. But then a girl happened." he started.

I furrowed my brows. "Are you saying you guys became enemies because you fought for a girl?" I asked, about to burst into a fit of laughter.

"No," he sighed. "Let me explain. So this girl was actually Dorian's girlfriend. The girl was manipulative, to say the least, and within three months of them dating, she was pretty much in control of the entire gang."

This story was getting very juicy... and fake.

"My brother and I thought that it was suspicious, and so, we dug into her background, only to find out she was working for one of our enemies, the Angels."

"That's a... very interesting name." I commented dryly. "You sure they are named that?"

"Yes, Angels." Nader spat the name out like it was poison in his mouth. "Anyway, we found out that she was supposed to infiltrate the Silent Death gang. Her role was to lure them into a trap so that they could easily take out Dorian and his younger brother, Ryan. Just so you know, Ryan is also his second-in-command, so you can see the benefits of taking them both out."

I hummed in understanding. Yes, without the leader and his second, the gang would be left in disarray. It would take a long time for them to regroup and find a new leader, wasting precious time in which the Angels would be able to quickly and effectively, take out the entire family.

"My brother tried to warn him," Nader sighed. "But he wouldn't listen, too in love with the girl."

"What's the girl's name?" I questioned.

"It doesn't matter." he replied, shaking his head. "She isn't alive anymore, so I'd rather not think about her."

Not going to lie, I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to know what her name was. But at the same time, I couldn't blame him for not wanting to bring her up. If just the mention of her name brings him bad memories... damn.

"Back onto the story," he continued. "So we were already on bad terms because of Mohammed trying to warn Dorian of his girlfriend. We decided to just leave them be. But when she was bringing Dorian and Ryan somewhere, my brother knew something was wrong."

"He followed them, I'm guessing?" I suggested.

Nader nodded solemnly. "Yes. He followed them and left me in charge of the gang when he was gone. I don't know the specific details about what happened during that time, but what I do know, is that Mohammed was able to stop the girl from leading Dorian and Ryan into the trap."

"Huh?" I voiced. "How?"

"He stopped the three of them before they left the house, and he killed her." Nader answered simply.

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