Chapter 39

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

I felt my own eyes widen on their own accord at the sight in front of me.

Samantha was chained up near the wall, cuffs digging into her skin as she was stuck plastered near the wall, not allowed for much movement.

Her once beautiful long black hair was cropped short until it was in a messy bob around her neck, and her eyes were rimmed with red.

Samantha's lips were also chapped, a thick line of blood dribbling down her chin as she stared at me, eyes wide in I don't know... Shock? Surprise? Fear?

She also had multiple bruises littered across her body. Not an inch of her wasn't covered in a bruise or a cut, and looking more closely, there was a faint purplish mark forming on her cheek as well.

"Samantha?" I whispered in horror, and she shook her head, eyes wide with disbelief.

'No.' I saw her mouth, but no sound came out.

Why wasn't she speaking?

"Ahh, you must be wondering why your little... Sister won't speak." the man smirked, a gleam of malice in his eyes.

I didn't acknowledge him, my focus solely on Samantha who looked like she was about to faint. Her already pale skin had become white and clammy, and she had a terrified look on her face. I had no idea why she was acting like this, but it was scaring me to death.

I've never seen her this pale before. She had always been composed, and this was a sight I wasn't used to seeing.

"Samantha?" I said dumbly, and the stupid smug look on his face broadened as his face turned into a crooked smile.

"Oh my..." he said, voice full of eagerness as a look I couldn't decipher crossed through his eyes. "You never told her?"

Samantha again shook her head, eyes wide in an emotion I couldn't decipher as bile rose in my throat.

"Naughty, naughty." the man whispered cruelly, before he let out a high-pitched laugh. "This is going to be so, so fun!"

With that, he had cut me off my ropes and I rushed over to Samantha who had her arms wide open for me.

I didn't even notice that my entire body was trembling as she held me, rocking me back and forth. Although she didn't say anything, the familiarity of her presence gave me a comfort, a comfort I never knew I needed, not until now.

And with that, everything that was happening came rushing to me and I started openly sobbing as she rubbed a soft hand down the middle of my neck.

"Such a touching reunion." the man cooed in false awe. "But... I need you back."

With that, he was pulling me away, and strapping me onto another machine as I struggled in his grip. Just like before, my efforts were futile as he was at least twice my size and had a foot on me. He easily grabbed a hold of my arms and tied me down onto the table.

Huge, fat tears were now rolling down my eyes as I thought of the worse. Something was strapped onto my temples and I shook my head side to side to no avail as he successfully strapped whatever it was onto my head.

"Shh," he whispered, and if it weren't for the underlying tone of malice, I would've thought that he was comforting me. "It'll all be over once your sister talks."

With that, he turned something on. Confused, I looked around. There was no pain. Nothing.

And that's when I felt it.

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