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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

I stared at Salvatore, blinking at him with an incredulous expression.

Did he just ask what I think he asked?

"So..." he trailed off awkwardly. "Are you?"

Without my consent, my cheeks flushed red, and I found myself trying to look away from his piercing steel-blue eyes.

"Uhh," I cleared my throat, not understanding why we were talking about this.

"Look, it's fine if you are." he sighed. "I just need to know."

I couldn't help myself. "Why?" I blurted.

"Because this is in regards to your health." he said simply. "Anything related to your health, I need to know."


"Because I need to make sure that you don't die on me."

It wasn't lost on me that Salvatore used the word 'need' instead of 'want', almost as if without the information, he might go insane from worry.

But, I'm not going to die from this. Or at least, I'm pretty sure I won't. I never listened in health class, so... You get the idea.

I let out sigh, the familiar feeling of my heart tugging in my chest overwhelming me

"Fine. Yeah, I'm on my period." I admitted through puffed cheeks. I felt my face flame, the heat radiating out of my cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he frowned, and I felt my voice get stuck in my throat as I tried to look for an answer.

"Uh, well, you see," I stammered, racking my brain for some type of explanation that would seem realistic.

He raised a brow, patiently waiting for an answer.

I swear, why did he have to do this when I just woke up. Fuck my life.

"Well, first of all, just talking about it to you guys... It's weird." I started, my eyes flitting around the room nervously as I bit my lip subconsciously.

"And?" he prompted.

"Uh, so like." I gulped, his presence washing over me in waves and causing me to go into a nervous breakdown. "And like, you weren't here in the morning, so I couldn't have told you."

"Well why didn't you tell Salvestro?" he questioned. "You know he's a doctor, even if he's still in training. And even so, he could've helped you."

"It's awkward." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "And imagine what Sandeo, never mind the twins, would do if I told them."

I shuddered just at the thought, and Salvatore seemed to be thinking the same thing as me as he silently agreed with my thoughts.

"Yeah, I can see why you didn't ask them for help." he nodded. "But why not Salvestro?"

"I mean, it's just that he's a guy." I mumbled. "And since he doesn't y'know, deal with the same thing as me, I thought that it'd be better if I asked Stella for help."

Salvatore nodded slowly, kind of understanding where I'm coming from. However, he still had a confused look on his face, which led me to heaving out a breath.

"It's just weird, talking about your period to guys, especially to your own brothers." I tried to explain, and although Salvatore still seemed utterly lost, he accepted my answer nonetheless.

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