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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"Where are you going?"

"I'm hanging out with a friend."

"With who?"



Santino jerked up from his seat, staring at me with shock. Salvino, on the other side of the couch, dropped his phone while Sandeo continued scrolling through his own device.

"Is there a problem?" I questioned. "I'm hanging out with Theo. I told Sandeo already."

"You did?" Salvino said, looking at Sandeo for proof.

"Yep, she did." he nodded.

"And you said yes?" Santino stressed.

"Well, yeah?" Sandeo answered, looking up from his phone. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because it's a boy?"

"That's not a reason," Sandeo laughed. "Go, Amara. I'll deal with these two dipshits."

"Thanks, I owe you one." I grinned, and before the twins could either move or open their mouths to object, I was out the door.

Quickly typing in the passcode to let me out before the twins could get Salvatore involved, I rushed out the gates to see Theo waiting for me in his car.

Surprisingly, Theo didn't drive any flashy cars—the type of cars jocks and spoiled rich teenagers buy. Instead, he drove a silver, Toyota Camry. It was a simple, yet elegant car, and to be honest? It made him look humble, something I loved.

Heaven knows my brothers showed off their riches to anyone and everyone at any chance they got. It's nice to be rich, but sometimes, it gets suffocating.

"Hey," I smiled. "Do I just get in? Or..." I trailed off.

Theo, being a gentleman, didn't answer me. However, he got out of the driver's seat and walked over to me, opening the passenger's door.

"No, you sit on the top of the car, Amara." he drawled sarcastically. "Yes, you get in."

"I was just being nice." I huffed jokingly, sitting in. "But thanks."

"No problem." The door slammed close right as he said that, and not a second later, Theo was in the driver's seat.

"So, where are we going?" I wondered.

"Surprise." he answered vaguely.

"I'm not a fan of surprises." I warned him. "It better be a good one."

Theo shrugged. "Unless people suddenly decide to tail and try to kill us, it's a good surprise... But if they do, that would be a surprise. A bad one though. You did bring something to protect yourself, right?" he looked at me. "If you don't, I have a pistol in the centre console if you need it."

"No, I'm good." I waved off, "I have a few handy-dandy babies here." I winked, patting my thigh.

"Is that why you wore sweatpants?" he asked. "It's hot today, so I'm surprised you're wearing those."

"Well they're very breathable." I shrugged offhandedly. "And they cover the shape of my blades quite well. No one would be able to see them."

"Smart," he nodded. "I have my pistol on the side of my pants." he said, pointing towards his left side.

Leaning over, I could see a small bulge at his hip joint where his gun laid. Thankfully, I could barely see the form, which was a good thing. Heaven knows we didn't need to be pulled over or arrested for carrying firearms illegally.

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