Chapter 6

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- S a l v e s t r o  R u s s o - 

"Do you know how much trouble you are in?" I shouted furiously, my temper flaring at his sheepish expression.

"Sorry, brother." he winced looking down at his shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"You better be sorry. Salvatore will have known of this by now, and he will definitely know of this now." I stated, nose flaring. 

At his guilty and apologetic expression, my anger fizzled out and my soft side returned.

"Let's just go home. I'll treat your wrist and your cuts. Salvatore will deal with this when he comes home." I sighed, and pulled him into a hug.

"Damn." someone awed, and I looked behind me to see the twins laughing their butts off and Amara looking frightened. With her skin pale and lips quivering, her eyes held a distant look to her face.

"Enough." I stated quietly, and the twins both stopped laughing, though it didn't stop the muffled snickering. 

"Bambina... Are you okay?" I asked softly, shaking her gently as she jerked out of whatever daydream she was in.

"Y-yeah. I'm good." she swallowed, though she still looked agitated. About what, I didn't know.

"Are you sure?" I asked, brows furrowing in concern.

"Yeah. I-I'm good." she gulped, and I nodded my head, albeit a little hesitantly. 

"Alright. If you say so." I conceded as I saw her arm wrap around her ribs and wince.

She's probably just thinking that roll down the escalator would hurt. I thought, because it was true. All the small spikes, those hurt, a lot actually.

"Let's just go home." Sandeo suggested, tired of the twins' constant teasing and I sighed.

"Yes, let's go." I agreed, and took Amara's hand in mine, leading her to the exit. "We'll get some take out."

Just thinking about Salvatore's reaction tonight... It will be bad.


"Do you have any idea what you've done? To not only me, but his reputation!" Salvatore shouted, face red in anger as I sent Amara and the twins to their room, not wanting them to see their brother explode.

"I'm sorry, Salvatore." Sandeo grimaced, playing with his fingers.

It was dinner time, and we were at the dinner table, talking about what happened today when Salvatore exploded.

"You better be sorry! Give me your keys. All of them." he growled, and with his head low in shame and disappointment, he went to his room to come back five minutes later with three different keys. 

"Your phone as well." Salvatore added, "I'll be taking this away for three days."


"Be quiet, Sandeo Russo." Salvatore snarled, and Sandeo snapped his mouth shut. "Do you know how worried I was? Romano hasn't even called yet, and when he does, you'll be the one talking to him."

"What?" Sandeo whispered in horror.

"Yes, you'll deal with the mess you created yourself. How many times have I told you to not run and act professional when outside in the public, huh? You just never listen, and today, you'll be paying for it."

Damn, that was harsh. I would never want to deal with Romano either, and the one time I had the unfortunate luck of trying to calm Romano down resulted in me with a broken arm. Not a good experience, just saying.

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