Chapter 10

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*There will be mild and non-graphic torture scenes in this Chapter. There will also be violent scenes in this Chapter that will be written out, then cut out as a time skip. If you are triggered by this, either read with caution and skip to the middle part of the Chapter, or don't read at all. Proceed with caution.*

- S a l v a t o r e  R u s s o -

Walking down the stairs to our secret basement, I could feel the anticipation growing. Not the bad ones though, because I was looking forward to this.

After we had brought Chase back to Florida, we took a good night's rest, planning on returning the next day. Obviously, Amara didn't know of this, and we only visited our secret basements during the night. 

Recently though, we haven't been visiting the basement a lot thanks to Amara, and we now have a lot of pent up frustration to let out on Chase. Isn't he lucky? Three people who have anger issues are now going to be on him, and not in the sexual way.

My steps were loud on the cold stone floor as my four younger brothers followed behind me, equally silent as our bloodlust drifted into the air. As if the other prisoners could sense our anger, they flinched back, their chains clinking together and echoing loudly in the hall as they pressed themselves against their cell walls, wanting to stay as far away from us as possible.

Going farther into the prison, the scent of piss, blood, and vomit became stronger and stronger until the halls were drowning in the smell. There was now no such thing as fresh air. Only air tainted by their own urine, blood, and puke.

A guard led me down dark corridors, before stopping at one. With a key, the sound of a click was heard, and he opened the metal door, leaving me with a pleasing sight.

There Chase Merrington was, his naked form hanging in the air as he was suspended into the air by ropes hanging on both of his hands. Chase's toes barely touched the floor as his ankles were tied down to make sure that he doesn't start swinging in the air when we touch him or inflict any sort of pain on him.

"Wake him." I ordered in a cold and detached tone.

The guard nodded, no emotion in his eyes as he walked straight to Chase, punching him right in the gut, causing him to jerk awake. Waking with a grunt, Chase opened his eyes to see that he was standing naked in front of us, his glizzy in the air. 

"Look who's awake." I stated in a baritone voice. 

"Mm-mph!" he said through the gag, and I didn't understand a word. Chuckling darkly, I waved a hand, and the guard untied the gag around his mouth.

"You were saying?" I said mockingly, and Chase had the audacity to spit at my feet. 

"Fuck you!" he spat as he struggled in his chains.

"Did you just spit on me?" I said incredulously, before my expression turned into one of delight and malice.

"Get out." I told the guard, and with no feeling in his eyes, he left the cell as I walked in circles around the pig. 

"It seems as if you are in the Irish Mafia, Merrington. Care to tell me what that is about?" I asked, my gloved hand going to touch his cross tattoo, the tattoo that was under his left ear. 

"M-Mafia?" he repeated, acting oblivious.

"Yes, the Mafia." I confirmed calmly. "Care to tell me why you are there?" 

"I-I am not in the M-Mafia." he stuttered.

"Oh?" raising an eyebrow, I stared at him. "This cross tattoo says otherwise, Merrington." I grinned, but there was no humour in my tone nor my facial expression..

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