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Major time skip guys!

- A m a r a R u s s o -


I turned my head to see Caroline waving at me, the brightest grin on her face.

"Hey girl!" I greeted, running over to her and pulling her into a tight hug.

"I can't believe we're starting senior year in what... Two months?" she said, looking at me.

"Yeah, two months." I agreed. "Time seriously passes so quickly."

"Yeah, it definitely has."

It's been a few years since grade eight has finished and my high school years have started. It's been a couple of days since exams have ended, and we were now reaching the start of summer break.

If you couldn't tell, Caroline and I have gotten a lot closer. After her other friends were expelled from the school for vaping on school grounds, she has stuck to my side like glue, introducing me to other people and helping me with my literal social anxiety.

I was also now the proud Aunt of not only Rosy, but Luca Russo, my nephew. He was born not long ago, only eight months old.

"Anyway, I have some tea to spill." Caroline told me, rolling on the balls of her toes with barely restrained excitement.


"Yep." she nodded with a grin. "But I'll tell you later, let's go shopping first."

With that, she was grabbing onto my arm, towing me towards the entrance of the mall.


"I swear every time I go out with you, I always spend more than a hundred dollars." I complained. "All of my hard work is going down the drain in just one day."

"Oh, you'll be fine." Caroline dismissed, waving her arm impatiently. "I'm hungry. Wanna go to the food court to get some food?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "You'd still drag me with you even if I said no." I drawled.

Caroline paused, tilting her head to the side for a few seconds before agreeing with me without looking the least bit ashamed. "True, now let's go."

"What do you even want to eat?"

"Anything." she answered immediately. "I'm starving, so I can literally consume anything right now."

"Well we gotta find somewhere to sit first." I pointed out. "How about I go get some food to eat, and you find us a spot where we can put our bags too? I'd rather not have to carry my bags while eating."

"Yeah sure." Caroline agreed. "Pass the bags to me. I'll hold them and find a spot."

I handed over the four different bags I was holding, each bag containing different products.

The first bag was from Sephora, where I bought an eye shadow palette for Caroline's birthday in a few days. The second bag was from Gap, where I bought two sweatpants paired with a crop top. The third bag was for Samantha and Elena, who were actually coming to Florida in a few days for some business I was not privy to yet.

I had got them both a pair of thin, sharp blades. A weapon I knew both of them favoured and loved very much from the amount of times I've seen them use it. Caroline didn't question why I bought it, and that was because she thought that it was for me.

Just two years ago, after I was finally able to get over my fear of weaponry, I had started training with Sandeo on the art of throwing blades. I told Caroline that it was an extracurricular activity, but she didn't know that Sandeo was the one who was teaching me. I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible.

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