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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

I stared at Salvestro, my second eldest brother having the biggest eye bags under his eyes.

Salvestro seemed like he was about to collapse, and I knew that it had something to do with Salvatore.

"Hey, Sandeo." I hissed, waving for him to come closer.

Sandeo did so hesitantly, leaning over the chair he currently sat on.

"What the hell is wrong with Salvestro?" I questioned. "Do you think it's related to Salvatore in any way?"

"No idea." he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"He's acting weird, lately, don't you think?" I asked. "Coming back at like midnight, and leaving at five in the morning."

Sandeo agreed with me. "Yeah, it's weird."

"What do you think he's been doing?" I whispered.

"Don't know, but he's been tired lately. Like super tired." Sandeo murmured. "Pretty sure that he's annoyed with Alicia."

"Oh?" I raised curious eyebrows. "Spill."

"Why don't you ask him yourself." he countered. "I literally know nothing, and I don't want to risk being yelled at by Salvatore for intruding in his private matters."

"Aren't we like not supposed to keep secrets from each other?"

"It's not really a secret if everyone knows what is happening." he said nonchalantly. "I mean, he isn't trying to hide it from us. He just never mentioned it, and we didn't either."

"So it can be considered a secret then."

"Nope. It isn't because he isn't necessarily trying to hide it from us." Sandeo retorted. "Why are you asking me about this anyways. Go ask Salvatore."

"He's not even home." I stated flatly.

Sandeo grunted. "Well then wait for him to get home. Or wait 'till tomorrow morning and intercept him before he goes to who-knows-where."

With that, Sandeo leapt off of the couch, hands in his pocket as he stalked away, probably to get some snacks from the pantry. It left me staring at his retreating back, my mind running and thinking of different things.

Should I ask him what's wrong?

Why do I even care though?

Because Salvatore was making my favourite brother - don't tell anyone I said that - tired and look like a dead zombie.

"Hey, Salvestro?" I asked.

My brother glanced up at me from his phone, a soft yet weary smile on his face. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" I asked tentatively.

Salvestro looked at me. "I'm tired, that's all."


"I'm... Worried." he admitted.

"For what?"

"For Salvatore." he said simply.

Damn it, Salvatore. Do you know the amount of pain you are causing your brother? Or is it just me who is noticing Salvestro's change in spirit?


The next morning, I woke up at four, my nerves preventing me from falling asleep.

Should I ask Salvatore what's happening?

I didn't want to, but there was some type of curiosity within me, a curiosity that couldn't be sated until it got the answers it wanted.

"You've got to be kidding me." I grunted, after five minutes of trying to go back to sleep to no avail.

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