The locks have switched since the last time I've been here, especially since they change every two weeks. Knowing Erwin, he's been changing it more frequently with me gone. Regardless, at least the lighting inside is compromised with the wind outside, and I hope that maybe it'll cut me some leeway. Kneeling, I take a breath in before pulling a paperclip from my pocket.

I work my magic, messing with the mechanisms inside the knob. As I feel the lock give way, footsteps echo down the hallway on my left. My heart skips a beat and I jingle the metal in desperation, filled with fear that I'm about to get my ass handed to me. I listen carefully to the lock, hoping to hear it click in my favour, but it doesn't.

The footsteps approach when I give my last attempt to unlock the door, but the sound of grinding metal reaches my ears as the figure turns passes the intersection. I push against the wall and try to conceal my figure with the brick wall but it doesn't happen. The figure turns in my direction and calls out to me while I tug the hood of my cape further down to hide my face.

"Hey! What are you doing out of your room at this hour! It's curfew for young soldiers—where's your pass to be out this late?" The voice echoes down the hallway.

"Also," The figure walks towards me. "What do you think you're doing near the basement cellar?"

This guy is approximately fifty meters away from me, but since I'm on the floor I have to account for how quickly I can get to him, or past him. If I engage in combat, I'll most likely be caught by others since I won't be able to get away in time. But, if I try escaping, the others will notice how out of the norm it is for a soldier to be running this late at night.

I've fucked myself.

"Oi, get up. Let's see your face to make the identification process easier." As the voice comes closer, it sounds familiar. This is most definitely a soldier I've worked with before. Their footsteps get closer and I continue to hold the hood over my head, unsure on what I'm going to do next. Hopefully, it is someone that I know who's willing to let me go without anyone else knowing.

"I said, get up!" The agitated voice grabs me by my sweater and lifts me up from the floor, ripping the cape off my shoulders. Mid-air, his face instantly forces a connection in my head.

"Put me down, Jean! I was gonna get up on my own!" I quietly straggle in his grasp as he holds me in the air.

With one glance he drops me and moves away.

"Captain Kaisa, what are you doing here?" He yells through a whisper and looks over his shoulder.

I click my tongue and quickly grab the cape, putting it over my body again to conceal my identity.

"Jean, I need you to do me a favour. I really need you to not open your mouth to anyone about this encounter and I also need you to buy me some time so I can get inside here." I pretty much demand before getting back to picking the lock.

"But... Erwin said you resigned..." He trails off.

I drop the paperclip in surprise. I guess he wasn't really wrong, but who would stay after being treated with such disrespect?

"I didn't leave because I wanted to. I left because they threw me in a prison cell for over half a day for suspicion of treason even though I was innocent." I answer, picking up the tiny piece of metal.

"Eren sent me something saying that shit around here has gone to hell. I'm here to fix it before Erwin sends all of you to your deaths without proper training—but only on one condition: the others don't know I'm doing it." I explain, jingling the locks again.

Jean puts a hand on my shoulder before slightly pushing me away from the door. I look up at him in confusion before he reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a familiar key which once belonged to me.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now