Chapter Twenty-Seven🥀

Start from the beginning

I furrowed my eyes at him, but followed him none the less. I interlocked our fingers do it would feel more comfortable rather than feeling like I was been dragged along like a small child. He looked down at our hands when I did it and smiled before looking back in front of him.

"When did you start wearing your hat again?" I asked as I walked next to him. I had to try to keep up since he was so much taller than I was.

"The same day I got my gun back." He stated with a proud smile etched across his face. I gave him a shocked look at this. "It was the same day you got sick. Dad wanted me to be able to defend myself after everything that happened."

"That's good. Have you had to use it?" I asked.

"Not yet. But I did have to use one of the bigger guns last night." I gave him questioning look. "One of the fences came down. Dad and I took the walkers out with them."

"How different was it?"

"Pretty different. I prefer mine, though. I guess I'm just used to it."

He pushed the door to the cell block open and let me go in first. After the door closed, he came up beside me and interlocked our hands once again.

"I had to use a random one last night. It was almost the same as my own, so it was easy to handle. I didn't use it much though." I stated.

We stopped in front of Beth's cell to see her holding Judith and sitting next to Olivia, who looked better than I thought she'd be. I guess Beth was really good at helping her recover. Olivia saw me first and jumped up. She ran over and hugged me tightly causing me to drop Carl's hand.

I could feel a little wetness on my shoulder as she began to cry. "I'm so happy you're okay." She whispered in my ear. She pulled away and wiped the tears from her brown eyes. "I was so scared for you and Alex. Every time I went to visit Alex said you were asleep. They were worried you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm okay. I'm here." I reassured her. I looked over her shoulder to see Beth holding a wide smile on her face. Carl took Judith from her arms so she could hug me. As soon as she was in arms reach, I wrapped my arms around her neck. "I missed you, Bethy."

Beth giggled at me before putting on a serious tone. "Don't scare us like that again!" She scolded me before pulling me into another hug. "I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do without my little sister."

I smiled at her words. We really had grown so close as the time progressed since the farm. She was like the older sister I never had, so was Maggie, though she held a motherly way about her.

We released each other as we heard footsteps approaching us quickly. I turned to see Alex running over with a smile on his face. "What's with all the hugging?" He teased as he got closer.

Before he could say anything else though, Olivia walked over to him and grabbed his cheeks. She swiftly pulled him to her level and kissed him. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the scene unfold in front of me.

As they pulled apart, Alex looked down at Olivia in shock. She gave him a shy smile as they stared at each other as though they were the last two people on earth.

Their moment was ruined as Judith began to cry in Carl's arms. We all turned to see her trying to get down, so Carl places her on the ground for her to crawl around. We laughed as she became happy once again.

"Alright," Carl said, grabbing my hand. "You've got your hugs, now come on. I still have something to show you."

He pulled me along as I turned to wave bye to the others. Eventually, he stopped in front of my cell. He let me go in first before following me. I noticed that his bag was placed next to mine.

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