Chapter Thirteen🥀

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Someone's voice began screaming in my head causing me to wince

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Someone's voice began screaming in my head causing me to wince. My head started pounding from the sudden, loud noise. I kept my eyes closed, but placed my hand on my head. "Ah!" I cried out from the pain in my head.

Despite the throbbing, I decided to try to sit up. I opened my eyes a little to see what I was doing. The little natural lighting that came through the barred windows of the prison made me squint. The sounds of footsteps coming closer timed perfectly to Maggie running into the cell. "Emily, stop!" she demanded, "You have to lay back down, sweetie. You have a concussion."

I fought against her hands and sat up fully. "I'll be fine, Maggs." I looked up at her to see her disappointed, motherly experience reflecting back at me. "Besides, I have to pee."

She rolled her hazel eyes, but I could see the smile forming on her lips. "You're ridiculous. Come on, I'll help you." She stated, grabbing my arms and helping me slowly get up. Once I had gotten to my feet, I began to wobble and my vision became blurred. If Maggie didn't have a strong grip on my arms, I would have fallen face first onto the cement floor. "Here, lean against the wall and steady yourself. I'll run and get a bucket. You're not going to be able to walk very far."

She helped me lean against the wall before quickly leaving the cell to get a bucket. I leaned my head against the cool wall, hoping that it would ease the throbbing pain. Hearing my heartbeat in my head was not a pleasant feeling. A few moments passed before Maggie returned with a bucket for me to pee in. "All right, let's get you situated." She stated, coming over to help me. 

"Maggs," I pointed to the doorway, "if someone walks by there going to see what God gave me." 

She laughed a little before calling Beth and Carol. The two instantly appeared at the doorway. "Can you two hold a blanket up at the doorway?" 

"Sure. Just let me take Judith to daddy." Beth stated, cradling the sweet child. As she left to give the baby to Hershel, I laid my head on Maggie's shoulder. 

"I can't wait to be able to use an actual toilet again one day." I huffed, causing the two women to laugh at me. 

Carol spoke up, "Well if you think this is bad, just wait until you start your period. It was bad before all this happened, now it is only worse."

"Now you can't just lay around and mope while on it. We're always running. There's never a break to mope." Maggie agreed, causing me to groan into her shoulder. 

Beth came in at just the right moment because she had asked the two women what they had done to me, in which I responded, "They gave me a harsh reality check."

Beth gave us a confused look as the two women laughed a little at my defeat. "All right, can y'all grab a blanket and hold it up over the doorway? I'll help you with your pants, but you can do the rest." Maggie instructed.

"I was planning on it." I said sarcastically. Beth and Carol held the blanket up as Maggie helped me pulled down my pants and underwear so I wouldn't fall. 

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