Chapter Twenty-One🥀

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When I woke up the next morning, Carl wasn't in the bed with me

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When I woke up the next morning, Carl wasn't in the bed with me. This caused me to believe that the whole thing was a dream and that we still hated each other. So like a reasonable person, I went straight to Beth for answers, not even caring that I was in my pajamas still.

As soon as I got to her cell, her and Olivia stared up at me confused at my appearance. "What happened last night?" I asked, frantically.

Beth handed Judith to Olivia before looking back at me. "I don't know. You tell me what you remember."

"Well I remember inviting Carl and Patrick to the hang out. I remember falling while trying to get the Harry Potter book. I remember Carl being the first one to come to me. And I remember everything up to him going to bed with me last night." I stated, regretting saying the last part as the girls practically screeched.

"He went to bed with you?" Beth asked excitedly with her eyes wide.

I facepalmed as my cheeks heated up. "Not like that, you perverts." I groaned.

They stopped laughing and got quiet. "Well that would've explained that huge hickey on the side of your neck." Olivia calmly said.

My eyes widened and I frantically looked at my neck in the mirror that Beth had placed in her cell. They both laughed at me as I realized they were messing with me. "Not funny." I mumbled.

I pouted as they continued to laugh at me. Suddenly a voice came from behind me. "Ah! Gross! Where are your clothes?!"

I turned to see Alex covering his eyes. I rolled mine before answering, "In my cell, duh."

"Well put them on please. I came to say bye. I'm about to go on the run with Glenn." He stated.

I pushed past him. "Let me get some clothes on and I'll walk you out." I stated, walking back to my cell.

I quickly got changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a loose shirt to go over my tank top. I didn't forget to put a bra on because Maggie would have my neck if I did. Once I finished getting changed, I brushed my hair and threw it up into a high ponytail.

I quickly ran back to Beth's cell to meet Alex. "Are you ready now, Pebbles?" He smirked causing me to punch him in the arm. He said his goodbyes to the girls and we began to walk outside for him to meet Glenn. "So how was your night with lover boy?"

"We made up. I'm really happy too. I missed him." I stated, blushing.

"Oh, I know. There wasn't a day that went by where you weren't talking about him." He then begin to try to mimic my voice, but failed. "Oh, I can't stand this. Why can't we go back to being friends? Why did I have to open my big mouth?"

This earned him another punch. "Not funny. He was my best friend. We stuck to each other like glue. I felt like half of me was missing when we didn't talk to each other." I explained.

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