Chapter Thirty-Seven🥀

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I held Judith closely as I listened to the constant banging sound that echoed through the church

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I held Judith closely as I listened to the constant banging sound that echoed through the church. Sasha was taking her anger over Bob's death out on one of the pews. Everyone was preparing for the group to split, yet again.

Part of the group would be going to Atlanta to save Beth and Carol from the hospital, where they basically kept people captive once they save their lives. The other part of the group, which would be much smaller, would stay behind to hold the fort down.

I sighed as I looked down at the baby girl, who cuddled in my chest. She hated the loud noise, so I placed a hand over her ear to muffle it a bit. Once she was settled, I looked back up to see my dad's eyes watching me. I gave him a small smile as he turned back to speak to Tyreese.

Since he had gotten back, all my dad had been thinking about was Beth. The same thing we all thought about. But I had noticed his watchful eyes following my every step. He wasn't the type to show affection, I knew that, but that didn't mean he didn't care. He showed his love for me by just watching out for me. He preferred to let me try things and figure them out for myself, but when I need him, he was there.

"Hey." Olivia's voice spoke to me softly as she took a seat next to me. I gave her a soft smile as she gently rubbed Judith's head. Her brown eyes found mine. "I wanted to talk to you."

I could tell by her serious tone that whatever she needed to say was important. "What's wrong?" I asked, my eyes flickering between hers.

"I'm not staying this time." She admitted, "I'm going to Atlanta with the group. You and Beth were the ones that saved me when every part of me wanted to be with Patrick again. I can't sit back when her life is at stake."

I smiled at my friend and placed a hand on hers. "Then you should go."

Olivia frowned for a second before sighing. "I know that you've been staying close because of Carl. You probably assumed you were going to stay this time, and that's fine. But I really think you should go too. I just have this feeling." The girl admitted.

My eyes glanced down at the baby in my hands and then over to my dad. I couldn't lie and say I didn't want to go because honestly, I wanted to go more than anything. Beth had become practically a sister to me. I needed to see her and to know that she was okay.

"I've had the same feeling. The only reason I haven't said anything is because I know Carl wants to go and Rick won't let him." I told her. "I don't even know if I'm allowed to go. I don't necessarily have the freedom to make my own choices when my dad is around."

Olivia frowned at my words, giving me a sympathetic expression. We didn't say anything more until Rick came over and grabbed the baby from my hands. "Thank you, Shortcake." He said, rubbing my head and making me already wild hair look worse. He gave me a soft look before telling me that my dad wanted to see me outside.

I nodded before standing from my seat on the pew. As I passed Carl, I gave him a small smile. Once I was outside, I found my dad sticking the organ pipes into the ground as stakes. He glanced up to me before pushing it further into the ground.

I'm Not Who I Thought I Was: Carl Grimes FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя