romeo/leonardo DiCaprio

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Film: romeo + juliet (1996)



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"Romeo, juliet will find out" you said.

"Let her find out, because I cant be without you" he said. You sighed and layed on your bed. He layed on top of you.

"Romeo" you exclaimed. "I love you with all my heart, but it is to risky". He looked up at you.

"But I shall risk everything for you" he said. You heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Quick hide!" You whisper yelled. You opened the doors to your balcony and pushed him gently out there. It was raining.

"Y/n" your mother said. "I thought I heard something in here" she said.

"Nothing at all, just reading aloud" you smiled. She smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her. You breathed out. "Romeo" you opened your balcony doors. He jumped out. "I thought she was sure to catch you" you smiled. He laughed. "The rain stopped" you looked up at the sky. Romeo picked you up by your waist and spun you around. You put your arms around his neck and smiled.

"I'm going to marry you" he said. You chuckled.

"My father wont let you" you said.

"We can do it secretly" he said. You kissed him holding him closely. You pulled apart.

"Tomorrow" you said. "Meet me here, and we shall get married". He grinned. A knock came at your door again. He let go of you. "You have to go now" you said and turned to go inside your room.

"Y/n" he said. You looked back. "I love you".

"I love you too" you said. He flashed a smiled, with his dripping wet hair in his face. He went down the ladder and disappeared into the night. "For ever and ever romeo" you said and grinned.

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