Henry Hill/ Goodfellas

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Movie: goodfellas (1990)



You stood there anxiously, fidgeting with your purse handle.

"God where the hell is this guy?" You huffed out.

You looked at the restaurant's entrance. Nobody came in at all.

You finally decided that this man wasnt goona show up at all.

That is until a tall guy came in looking around.

You swallowed hard. If this was the Henry hill you where waiting for, then you would drop dead right then and there. Cause holy shit he was Beautiful.

You crossed your arms. He saw you standing there and walked over to you.

"You Henry?" You huffed out.

"Yeah" he replied. "You y/n?"

"Obviously" you rolled your eyes. "You know I've been waiting for over 30 minutes".

"Yeah sorry about that" he said as you two walked over to a table. "Traffic".

"Yeah like I havent heard that before pal" you chuckled.

You sat down and so did he.

"So listen" you said. "I dont usually do stuff like this, but I'm setting down some ground rules got it?"

"Jesus I barely sat down" he scoffed. He light a cigarette.

"First of all If you dont like me, after this date then you better let me know. I ain't waiting around for no phone call from you" you said. "And second of all I-

"You want a drink?" He cut you off.

"Um- yeah sure" you said caught off guard. "But like I was saying- I dont take no shit from anybody, especially men, so dont think you can play me like a fiddle and break my heart".

He motioned for the waiter to come.

"Yeah, can I get a coffe and-" Henry looked at you.

"Martini" you said.

"Martini" Henry looked at the waiter.

The waiter nodded and left.

"Your not even listening are you?" You laughed.

He looked up at you. He blew out smoke as his blue eyes roamed you up and down.

You swallowed hard.

"Shit I always do this" you put your hand on your forehead. "Listen I'm sorry for blowing out like that- it's just that I havent had to many good dates".

He smirked. He lifted his cigarette and placed it in his mouth as he began smoking again.

You didnt care of the smoke was blowing towards you. He cleaned up pretty good too. You hadn't noticed that.

"I dont mind you" he finally said.

"Really?" A smile crept on your face. He nodded.

He grinned smashing his cigarette onto the table ash tray.


You two had some drinks and talked. Getting to know each other.

He wasnt all so bad. He was pretty quite at some points in your guys conversations.

You where now walking out of the restaurant. Henry beside you.

"You know, I think I might just let you take me home" you said.

"That was my plan" he chuckled.

You stopped and looked up at him. He looked at your y/e/c eyes.

He looked at your red lips. You kissed him as he held the back of your head. Your arms wrapped around his neck.

His hands then roamed up and down your back. Until they settled on your hips.

It was the strongest and most passionate kiss you had ever had.

You felt as if there where fireworks bursting out of you. You felt electric everywhere And Your knees felt weak to the bone.

You finally pulled apart. He wiped his lip with his finger.

"That was some kiss" you laughed.

"What you've never been kissed before?" He laughed.

"No I have- it's just I ain't ever been kissed like that before" you laughed.

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