chrsitoph waltz

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You were currently sitting in your bed reading a book when suddenly the phone rang.

You shut your book with annoyance and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" You say.

"Y/n" you heard a male voice say.

"Christoph" You smile. "How is everything on the set?".

"Its terrific! Wonderful, splendid actually!" He said

"Oh my" You laugh. "What has got you so excited darling?"

"Well... I wanted to ask you when I came home but I'm to excited" He Laughed. "Y/n will you marry me?".

Your whole body went numb and your stomach filled with butterflies.

"Christoph I dont know what to say-

"I would love to marry you y/n and not just because your beautiful and smart a-and kind and well- beautiful" He said.

"You said that two times" You chuckle.

"And I meant it" He said and you laughed.

"This is so amazing" You cover your face with your other hand. You say nothing for a couple of seconds. "Yes, Christoph I will marry you".

"YES!" You hear him yell through the phone, which makes you laugh.

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