Karchy Jonas (Brad Renfro)

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Movie: Telling lies in america (1997)



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Karchy was your next door neighbor and the only one who ever went over to his house.

You usually knocked on his door and his father would let you in and then karchy would come from downstairs and walk with you to your school.

"Hiya Karchy" You said as you came into the kitchen.

"Hey y/n" He smiled.

"So you win yet?" You asked him.

"Not yet" He replies. "But can you help me forg more of those signatures?".

"Sure thing" You reply. "Hopefully they'll pick you today, if I hear another one of those snobby catholic boys names on the radio one more time i think I'll smash it".

Karchy laughed and looked at you.

"Dont worry about it y/n" He says. "I'll get picked" He says and drinks his soda.

"Seriously Karchy?" You laugh. "Soda for breakfast?".

"Its fuel for the day" He replys and you two laugh.

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