Norman Stansfield/ Leon The Professional Pt. 1

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The air felt thick around you

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The air felt thick around you. The smell of smoke filled the air, with the smell of cigarette smoke.

You stair at the wall across the room from you.

Your front door busts open and you already knew who it was. You didnt even pay attention you just brought your cigarette up to your mouth and looked at the two men standing there with guns. You blew out smoke and looked away.

The shuffles of feet where heard.

You looked up at who it was.

Norman fucking Stansfield.

"Hello y/n" He says shakingly.

"What is it Norman" You say and look away.

"Yesterday I waited for you" He said. "You didnt come".

You look at him slowly and then crush your cigarette on the table.

"I changed my mind" You said glaring at me before returning to look at the window.

"You promised" He chukles softly. You could practically hear the crazy in his voice.

You where immediately were thrown to the wall and you felt the cold pair of his  fingers wrap our your neck.

"Fuck" You whimper put.

"Why didnt you come" He says and laughs.

"I hate you" You say as clear as you could, due to his fingers gripped around your throat. "Why would I fuck something I hate".

He grins at you. You breath small breaths.

He brings his face to the side of your face and breaths in.

"You where with somone else" He says lowly.

You close your eyes and breath out shaky breaths.

"WEREN'T YOU" He yells. You open your eyes.

"You guessed it" You whisper in his ear.

He breaths heavily and finally let's you go.

You fall down on your chair. You breath normally again.

He pulls out his gun and points it at you.

"Careful stansfield" You chukle. "Dont shoot your foot off".

He grins at you.


(Part 2 coming out soon!!!!)

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