Rhett Butler/ Gone With The Wind

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Movie: Gone With The Wind (1939)



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"Enjoying the party my dear" your father said.

"Yes father" you lied.

"All of these men are willing to marry you my dear daughter" he said.

"But father how many times shall I tell you, I wish to not be married" you huffed.

"Nonsense" he scoffed. "Every girl at your age is wedded, now stop being such a foolish girl". He said before walking away.

Tears formed in your eyes and you ran out the room.

You ran down the hall into the library. The only pace you could show any feelings at all.

You cried even more as you wiped your nose.

"Thought I heard a woman crying" a voice said.

You looked up fast.

"I'm not crying" you hid your face quickly.

"Oh" he chukled.

"What are you even doing in here" you sniffed.

"Roaming" he replied. "But my question is why arent you attending to your guests".

"They are not my guests you fool" you said.

He looked you up and down as if he where disgusted by you.

"Why are you staring at me like that," you said.

"I'm stairing at you like this because it haunts me how you are such a beautiful girl from a distance, but you speak like a brat" he said.

"Excuse me?" You stood up. "I will not be talked to like that, I am not a brat!".

"Oh sure" he chukled.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Butler" he replied. "Rhett butler"

"I'm sorry mr. Butler , I dont mean to be rude, it's just that my father expects me to marry so quickly and I am angry at him".

"I see" he said. "And my apologies as well, mrs. Y/l/n, I joke around at the wrong times".

"You are forgiven" you laugh.

"Just how old are you?" He asked.

"21" you replied.

"I see" he said. "Well I've never seen a 21 year old beauty like Yourself- not being with handsome rich man".

"I dont care about the money!" You huffed. "I care about the love".

He looked down at you and grinned.

"Me and you both darling" he smirked.

"Wait a minute mr. Butler" you stand up.  "Are you pointing to me that you are the man for a girl like me?".

"Indeed I am" he walked closer to you.

"I suppose you are" you smiled. "With the way you've treated me, I'd say you are the one for me".

"Marry me" he said.

"Not just yet" you shake your head. "I want you to kiss me first".

"A kiss" he laughed. "Very well my dear".

You two kissed like two married people.

It felt like a kiss a man would give their wife on their wedding day.

You pulled apart.

"Now I will" you laugh and so did he.

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