Cheater- Jungkook

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Song of the chapter: Tantara- AlphaBAT

You stared at the door knob, debating on going inside the door to the boys dorm, or just keeping to yourself. Lately, Jungkook has been rude and mean. He would ignore you for days and when he was talking to you he was yelling.

You had very, very important news. You knocked on the door and J-Hope had come to the door. He smiled and let you in, hugging you tightly. "We missed you here" He said into your hair. But his smile, as soon as it came, it was gone. "_____ please go" he said shoving you back out.

"Hoseok what are you doing?" You asked confused. "Don't go in there. Don't. Just please go home" he said almost closing the door. You stopped in and ran towards the middle of the dorm. There the band members were watching TV. But something was different.

Jungkook had a girl sitting on his lap in a very friendly way. He looked at you as well as the band members. You smiled slightly and just nodded your head. This was what he was doing. Cheating on you.

You walked out keeping your head down. You should have guessed it. And the best part of today? The part when your doctor told you that you had stage 2 of cancer. It was curable, but that meant losing all your hair.

You headed home crying your eyes out. But, you shouldn't be driving. You didn't notice the red light and, it was at that moment, you screwed up.


"Yes this is him" Jungkook said over the phone aggrivated. He was searching the house for you when he got a call.

"Are you _______ boyfriend?" The woman asks. "This would be him, what would like?" He said sighing and putting his hand on his hip.

"There has been an accident and we would like to contact all closest people" she said calmly. But Jungkook was not calm. "What hospital?"He yelled grabbing his jacket.


He walked into the white walled building. With its hand sanitizer smell, and it's boring scenery. He walked up to front desk frantically asking for your room number.

"Mr, we found numerous cancer cells along her stomach when we were doing a cat scan. Have you known about this?" She asks. He stared at her like she had 2 heads.

"N-no I have never heard of this" he said almost like he had been shot.

"Well since the driver got her from the side she got trauma to her front part of her head, and she has been in a coma ever since" she said grabbing a clipboard and looking it over. "She's in a coma?" He asked falling on his knees.

"Sir I need you to stand up and follow me to her room. She will be having short visiting hours for we need to check to do many surgeries, she has many pieces of glass in her" she said walking towards your room. He slowly followed regretting every little thing he did to you.

She opened the door and you layed there lifelessly.

He shuffled across the room towards you. He dropped a tear unnoticeablely.

"I am so sorry. I heard that people in comas can still hear you. So I'm just going to tell you everything that happened. I was so angry at work. They wouldn't let me come home early enough to be with you falling asleep. So I started to date her. Because she had the same schedule as me. But I didn't love her. I loved her body. Yes, I was sleeping with her. I'm sorry... we were suppose to be eachothers firsts but I was so angry that I didn't want to hurt you. But trying to not hurt you was killing me. I wanted to be the one holding you, not Hoseok. I saw you two at the mall a week ago. It was when I was ignoring you and he filled in. You two were running around like children around the water fountain. I wanted to replace him but I would have hurt you. You are so perfect in every way. When he would buy you things, I wanted to take your hand and be your Peter Pan, and bring you only where we know. But I couldn't. And that killed me even more.

I'm such an idiot and I'm sorry for that but seeing you brought so many memories and I wanted to kill my manager for just using me as another part of the machine. But here you are, you have cancer, and I didn't even know. You got into a car crash and you are in a coma. Can you just wake up so I can tell you how much I love you?" He asked holding your hand. He was at this point crying so hard he looked like all the liquid was out of his body.

You moved you hand and he looked back suprised. "Jungkook-" you got cut off when the doctors rushed in.


Everyday Jungkook came bringing flowers in home you would wake up just like did the day he held your hand. But you didn't. You never did.

He walked in and set down the flowers and sat next to the bed. "Hi beautiful" He said putting a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked pale and you were hooked up to an IV.

He smiled knowing you were alive. And that's when the line went flat. He sat there frozen. He let go and doctors rushed in and escorted him out. You were gone. You were really gone. You were gone from his life. Gone from his arm.

He fell on the ground crying harder than ever before.


Jungkook sat in the waiting room as he looked nervously still crying. You really left the world.

"Jeon Jungkook?" The lady asks walking into the waiting room. "Yes" he says automatically. "It's fine, she went into cardiac arrest. We saved her but the cancer cells are multiplying rapidly and she is still in a coma so her body can function the antibiotics without being awake so we don't know the outcome yet" she said sadly. He cried again.

"I'm so sorry" He muttered into his hands.


He sat there next to you. "Please wake up" He said sighing. No response. Wait.

You opened an eyelid slowly. "Jungkook?" You ssked groggily. You felt like you had trains running over you. "Doctor she is awake!" He yelled getting the doctors in there.


"Jungkook I'm bald, what are you still doing here?" You asked scoffing. You haven't given him a chance to get you back. He cheated on you. But he did confess. But he still did it.

"I love you for the way you are. Bald or hairy, skinny or fat, beautiful or ugly" He said smiling whilst caressing your cheek.

"Jungkook" you said seriously. He looked at you holding your chin in line with his.

"I forgive you" you said hugging him. "We're going to get through this together. I'm never going to give you up. Because I love you" he said hugging you tightly.




Didn't reach the goal of votes, don't get a quick update. Many people saw the chapter but didn't vote? Maybe I should stop putting effort into my stories since people can't just tap a button. Sorry to the people that do vote (lynelle Deanne kierra auria).

Goal of votes (this means if we reach this amount we get a faster update)

Goal: 6

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