17: Playback Singers

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"Let's go Friday night!" Tyler suggested with a grin plastered on his face. A grin that faded quickly as he realized something. "Oh right, I forgot that won't work for you man," he said to Nick.

"As far as I know it shouldn't work for you either," Nick stated with what sounded like a hard tone.

"Right, right, no worries man. I'll be there."

"Be there for what?" I asked, naturally curious. Maybe it was something related to all those rumors about them. From the little I've seen they certainly don't look like the criminal type; rebellious, egotistic, and arrogant, sure, but criminals? I don't think so. Still, why would a pervert and a guy with social issues have to be together on a Friday night? A two-man job? And what two-man jobs is there for teenagers during Friday nights?

"None of your business." Nick simply stated and I couldn't help to glare at him though he didn't even have the courtesy to look at me when he spoke. And just like that, whatever progress we had made towards each other vanished. I felt stupid to have had considered him a friend yesterday. But I knew one thing that happened almost every Friday night: parties. Parties full of drunken teenagers. And I watched enough shows to know what those parties had: drugs. And who could sell them those drugs? Two teenagers with a badass aura and reputation like Nick and Tyler had, strong enough to evoke natural respect from others.

Just like that all of the rumors made sense, and I didn't want to be mixed to that world. I had to get Micah and Noah away from them, from the danger that gravitated around that world. But what if I was wrong? I've been wrong before, with Micah.

We agreed on going after school, and I start concocting a plan to find out what they were hiding and make sure we were safe. I shared with Noah, my accomplice, my doubts, and my plan. He told me I was being paranoid, I told him everyone has secrets and only someone with a bad secret would care that much about hiding it. I knew what I was talking about.

And although Tyler was very open to us, and treated us like friends, Nick didn't. He always kept it to himself. Every time I thought he was letting at least one of his concrete walls down he pulled it back up immediately as if he had to protect something from us. And that was probably a secret, a dark secret, he only trusted Tyler to keep. Part of me wanted to respect that, as I knew what it was like, but the other part wanted to know. To make sure it wouldn't, he wouldn't hurt my friends.

You could spot the karaoke place miles away by the multiple huge neon lights dressing its walls. The interior was dark, with black painted walls absorbing the little day-light left penetrating the big windows. Tyler booked us a room and used his fake ID to order alcohol and snacks, though, by the looks of it, the guy at the counter couldn't care less about his age.

We sat in silence for a moment, everyone too uncomfortable to actually pick up a song and sing, or apparently even talk. Everyone except Tyler.

"This is why I bought us some drinks. You guys have to loosen up. Come on let's have fun!"

"Then why don't you start?" I challenged him. He gave me his patented smirk.

"Fair enough Angel." He winked at me, took the tablet to select a song, and moved to stand in front of us, in the little area that served as a stage.

He turned his back to us and raised his hand. "Hit it." Micah pressed start and an old familiar melody started playing. As soon as he sang the first words, I knew I was done. I have to admit he sang surprisingly well, but I was too focused on the show in front of me to notice whenever his voice went off-key. He exaggeratedly sang the first verse as if he was feeling every word of the song. Then, just before the chorus part he turned to face us and fell on his knees, his free hand stretched out to me.

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