She starts squirming in my tight hold which makes me growl. "Nooo" I whine and tighten my grip on her causing her to smoosh her face against my bare chest. 

"Let me gooo" she whines playfully back.

"No" I say assertively.

There is a pause and I think I have won until I feel her teeth against my chest. "What are you-OW" I say as she bites me on the chest.

I still hold my grip but she looks up at me giggling, her giggling stops and she says "I need to pee"

"You could have just said that" I chuckle still not loosening my grip.

"I neeeeddd to peeee" she says again whining adorably when I don't respond because I am too busy looking into her adorable eyes she says "Or I'll bite you again" trying to be intimidating. 

I chuckle deeply and she pouts. I slowly let go of her and she sits up and scoots off the bed. She waddles over to the bathroom and I sit up seeing no point resting without my angel. 

Thinking girls taking forever in the bathroom I decide to get changed. I go into my closet and pull out some black jeans I'm pulling them over my boxers when Aubrey comes out of the bathroom saying "What time is it silver?"

"I don't know" I say and walk back into my closet picking out a black shirt. 

"Wow thanks for the help" she says and I can feel her rolling her eyes causing me to chuckle.

As I am pulling the black shirt over my head Aubrey scoffs "Noooooooo, don't wear that black shirt"

I rip the shirt off my head and then turn to look at Aubrey "Why?" I mutter confused whilst inspecting it. Is there stain?

"Black jeans with a black top? And let me guess you are going to wear your leather jacket too" she says rolling her eyes.

I look at her with widened eyes "Um I-" and stutter confused.

"Can I pick a shirt for you?" she says excitedly and her face lighting up.

I pause trying to find the right words but before I can respond she has already pushed passed me and is inspecting the clothes in my closet.

"Uhh sure I guess go right ahead" I say sarcastically.

After a few minutes she turns around and with a white collared shirt and navy sweater in her arms. 

I look at the clothes then at her confused. She pushes them to my chest forcing me to take them and then says "Change!"

I shake my head at how I am letting her boss me around but then proceed to put on the white button up. Apparently I am taking too long to up the button as Aubrey huffs and starts doing the buttons for me. I chuckle seeing her be so cute, and obviously not a morning person. Feeling her fingers trace lightly up my abdomen I have to try and contain myself. 

"Ok now the sweater" she says.

I pull the sweater over my head and once it's on I look down at her. "Happy?" I question.

"Hmmm wait" she says then reaching her hands up to adjust the collar. She can barely reach so I lean down a little and she pulls out the collar, I could very easily do this myself but feeling her touch graze my skin sends electricity coursing through me and I think she feels the same judging by the blush gracing her cheeks. She smiles and nods to indicate when she is done so I straighten then turn to look at myself in the mirror.

"I just look like a bigger version of you." I say

"What?" she huffs and positioning herself next to me in the mirror.

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