Chapter Sixty-Four - Corban's Next Chapter

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I made my way out into the woods looking for Corban. I kept calling his name as I walked through the forest populated by large over bearing oak trees. They stretched up and over fifty feet into the air. They acted like support beams to splotchy ceiling made of leaves. Oak trees always scared me, I was always worried that they would fall on top of me when I walked under them when I was little.

It wasn't too long into my search where out of the corner of my eye I could see someone leaning against one of the giant oak trees crying into their hands. Low and behold it was Corban sitting with his knees agaisnt his chest and his hands covering his face while he sniveled.

I stepped towards him and sighed, "Corban what's wrong?"

Corban lifted his head slightly from the cover of his hands and knees to look up at me, his eyes were irritated and red from his crying and his face was stained with tears. Instead of speaking he just covered his face as he kept crying and turned away from me.

"Corban c'mon. What's wrong?" I asked again as I got closer to him.

"Go away." Corban choked out as he tried to shoo me away with his arm, "Leave me alone."

"Corban you can't just run off out of nowhere." I said sternly.

"Your not my dad." Corban retaliated defensively as he tried to push me away.

"I never said I was your dad but you just ran off out of nowhere for no reason! You didn't get punched in the face! You didn't get in a fight! I don't understand what's your problem?!" I exclaimed angrily.

"GO AWAY!" Corban shouted as he got up onto his knees and used both hands to push me back from where I was kneeling, "Just go away Elias!"

Corban pushing me back wasn't hard at all in fact I let my self be pushed over into a sitting position. I was angry that he had the intention to hurt me or get me away as quick as possible but I just sat there silently instead while I watched him cry.

I sighed, "Corban—" I said this time in a nicer and quieter tone but before I even got to finish Corban interrupted me.

"Warren hates me okay! There! You know! Are you happy now?!" Corban exclaimed as he looked me in the eyes as tears fell from his face.

"First of all what makes you think Warren hates you? Secondly why should you care?" I asked.

Corban shook his head, "I can't tell you because you'll hate me too."

I narrowed my eyes and glanced to the side, "Did you do something?"

"No I just—" Corban paused and wiped his eyes as he sniffled, looked at me and then covered his face again, "Please don't be mad at me."

"Be mad at what? Corban did you do something bad? I don't understand."

"I told W-Warren that I would help him find his daughter— if in return he h-helped me find my dad... meaning I probably won't see you again. Well that's if I didn't screw everything up." Corban trailed off as he started crying again.

I stared at him for a moment. I was angry at him. It's not like me and Corban were close and I get he wants to find his dad but why is he choosing someone he met two weeks ago over the people who have been living with him for over three years. I don't know how I'd feel with just Reece and Remington. Sure Corban feels more like an annoying little brother sometimes but I much rather prefer him over the others.

"I'm sorry." Corban choked out breaking the long silence between us, "I-If you had a chance to find your family you would take it too right..?" He asked looking up at me as he sniffled.

I sighed and nodded, "Yeah, I guess I would."

"Please don't be mad." Corban whimpered as he rubbed his eyes, "I'm sorry..."

"No it's fine. Go find your dad." I muttered.

"You sound mad." Corban murmured.

"Well I mean I will be the only one left with a brain if you and Warren leave." I said jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

Corban nodded and forced a smile, "Yeah, who said you had a brain."

I gave a halfhearted chuckle and then let my face drop back into a frown. It was obvious neither of us were in the joking mood. Even though neither of us ever got close there was a mutual feeling of loss. We're the only slightly good thing that happened to Corban since the bombings and he's the closest thing I've had to a friend since my brother. I'll miss him. Even though as much as I don't want to admit it I will miss him.

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