Chapter Twenty-Three - Warren Gives a Hand Washing Lesson

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I watched Corban go down right as I ran into the Syndicate camp from the left side. I watched as I hurried over as the guard delivered one big kick right into Corban mouth. I glanced up only to see Remington pick up his pace he was a few paces ahead of me and as soon as he got close enough he wrapped he arms around the guard and pulled her away from Corban who was lying on the ground bleeding.

I ran over to help as Remington and the guard where now in a struggle to push each other to the ground. I closed my eyes for a second before I got behind her and grabbed my bandanna from my pocket, I hate being violent, but it's what needs to get done. I took the bandanna and wrapped it over her mouth tightly. I tied it around her head so she couldn't make a sound. I then helped Remington to move her to the ground by wrapping my arms around her from behind and using my weight and size to push her down to the ground. It didn't take long for it to work, that's the advantage of being six-foot-six. I held her on the ground while Remington ties her hands together behind her back, the whole time she was making angry muffled cry's out to her other gang-members.

The second Remington finished tying her up he stood up immediately and hurried over to where Corban was lying in the grass. I followed more timidly, I hate seeing blood. I hate seeing hurt people, I never know how to act around them. Whenever I was a kid and someone would be in the hospital I was scared of them, I don't know why but I still am.

"Oh God...the lady got him pretty good." Remington said as he knelt down over Corban, "He's bleeding everywhere and his glasses snapped in half."

I just stood there and looked at the ground, I didn't know how to respond, plus Remington scares me. Warren clearly doesn't trust him, and Warren's the smartest person I know.

Remington turned around to look over at me, "You can carry him right?" He asked with the tiniest hint of actual worry in his eye. You'd think by the way he acts this would just be another day in the life of Remington Prince. At least I know now he does care somewhat about his group mates.

"Um yeah, yeah I-I can do that." I muttered as I got closer and knelt down. I glanced over at Corbans face seeing the bottom half covered in blood from his bleeding nose and mouth. Remington carefully lifted him up as he helped transfer him over to where he'd rest on my shoulder. I wrapped one arm around the back of his knees, it was hard to figure out where to hold him because of the giant slash on his back. With my other arm I grabbed one of his and slung it over my other shoulder, kind of like a fireman's carry almost. I then stood up and me and Remington snuck out of camp quickly and as quietly as we could going to the right in case Elias and Blake were still working with the other guard.

"Well at least we know Warren was right about the jaw being the best spot to hit when you wanna K.O someone." Remington whispered as he walked in front of me as he held the two pieces of Corbans glasses that had been split right on the bridge.

Our three small groups walked for awhile before we met back up again. We walked until we weren't able to see the Syndicate camp anymore. The whole time I could feel Corban's blood drip onto my clothes.

"What the hell happened?" Elias asked as we met back up again.

"Corban's hurt." Remington said as we walked up.

"Hurt?!" Reece asked.

"How bad is it?" Warren asked as I knelt down and carefully set Corban down onto the grass.

"Not sure. I know he got hit with the guards sword and got kicked in the face." Remington said as he started ripping Corban's shirt open more so he could see the full extend of the slash on his back. I watched just as Remington was about to touch Corbans skin only for him to be stopped at the last second.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Warren exclaimed.

"I'm— I'm trying to help him!" Remington retorted, confused as to why Warren freaked out.

"No, no, no, no, get back," Warren said as he walked over and knelt down next to Corban, he grabbed a water bottle from out of his bag along with a bar of soap, "You cannot, I repeat cannot touch an open wound like that with dirty hands,"

"My hands are not dirty." Remington argued in a bitter tone.

"I watched you walk over here and you didn't even wipe them off on your own shirt!" Warren said as he rubbed the bar of soap over his hands, "Look I don't know how many times you've had to do first aid but thankful you're alive if you've approached it like that every time. It is extremely important you clean everything when dealing with a cut or any injury. If you get an infection these days you're done for, because there's no medicine or antibodies we have to help you fight it of." Warren said as we watched him aggressively clean his hands getting in between everything. He then looked up at me and nodded for me to come over. I walked over and grabbed the water bottle for him and poured the water on his hands as he held them up and let the water run down his hands and down to his arms. "It's important when you wash your hands that you let the water run down your arm and not down your hands that way and contaminated areas don't get pushed back onto your hands." Warren explained, "Now Cleveland pour some on his back so we can clear out all that blood."

As I poured the water over Corbans back I watched the blood wash away as Warren ripped open the rest of his shirt. Only for him to pause in his tracks. I looked over and my jaw dropped, now that Corbans entire back was exposed everyone saw it and everyone went quiet.

"What the fuck." Elias said in a shocked voice.

Branded onto Corbans left shoulder was the Syndicate symbol.

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