Chapter Fifty-Five - Warren Thinks I'm Smart

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I woke up the next morning laying in the grass a few yards away from the house. I pushed myself up from the ground and rubbed my eye, I felt cold and felt that I was only wearing a bra and a pair of shorts. As my eyes adjusted I looked around and saw my shirt lying in the grass next to me on my right. I picked it up and quickly put it on as my tired brain started to put the pieces together on why I had slept outside, I then turned to the left only to be shocked when I saw Remington was asleep with his back towards me right next to me. My eyes widened and the grogginess cleared as I immediately processed that I did in fact have sex with Remington and was under no influence at all. That had been a choice I made. Sober. Most all of my one night stands had happened usually me going out to a bar celebrating a successful bounty and getting drunk. Often times I've met a couple cute guys and we'd both get pretty drunk and end up sleeping with each other and that's that.

"Remington... Remington..." I whispered trying to wake him up, I reached over and shook his shoulder with my hand, "Remington."

He finally gave me a response by making a muffled grunt not bothering to move or even open his eyes.

"We need to move. People are going to see us and know we had sex." I whispered since we were so close to the house and anyone could be waking up at this time as well.

"...then move." He mumbled.

"Shouldn't you move too?" I asked waiting for response but all I got was silence, "Remington!" I whisper yelled.

Remington lifted his hand up shooing me away by waving it at me. A rolled my eyes and stood up watching as his arm went limp and fell back onto the grass. I grabbed my boots put them on and quickly walked away. I decided I would walk into town one last time before everyone leaves. I actually want to hang around Elias, Corban, and Reece for awhile. I forgot how easy traveling in groups made it. Plus I could use a break from work, especially with my last job failing I would have to lay low for awhile. I do wish Warren could stick around longer. It felt comforting having him around since he's so much more smarter than us along with the fact that he has tons more medical knowledge than the rest of us incase something were to happen.

I walked through town seeing most people were starting to get ready for the day. I walked out to the small, man-made pond they had on the opposite end from where we were staying and sat down next to it. I reached in and began cupping water in my hands to get my hair wet. Obviously because of the lack of plumbing for the past twelve years bathing has changed. Usually towns will settle by bodies of water but if not they all make one to three small ponds in and around town for public bathing.

I ran my hands through my long hair reaching down to scoop up water every few seconds getting it all wet. I started to comb out my hair with my fingers. It was easy to get knots out with my hair being very straight and my undercut helped reduce the layers in my normally get thick hair.

"Oh hey, good morning."

I turned around to see Warren walking up behind me with a knife in his hand.

"Hey... what's with the knife?" I asked as I stared at it worryingly.

"Oh, I'm going to shave." Warren said as he sat down next to me and dipped his hand in the water to rub onto his face, "I can't tell you how badly I miss regular razors. Do you know how hard it is to shave with a knife? Firstly you have to wait til it grows out a bit before its long enough to even be cut and it doesn't even get cut all the way. And the nicks are ten times worse. I get so scared whenever I have to get the area underneath my chin by my neck."

"Why don't you just grow it out?" I asked.

Warren closed his eyes as a way of shaking his head as he held the knife up to his cheek as he stared down at his reflection in the water, "No it'll look weird because I have blond hair. Plus I don't like facial hair, it's itchy, it's gross, and I don't how I look with it."

"That sucks, I think you could pull it off." I said.

"Maybe." Warren muttered as he kept his eyes on his reflection as he cautiously glided the knife over his cheek.

"So...are you and Cleveland leaving today?" I asked trying to make conversation, I was really hoping he never noticed me and Remington not going inside last night.

"Yep that's the plan." Warren said, "I already talked to Cleveland and he's feeling up to leaving today. What about you?"


"Yeah, you got your own stuff to do right? You're a... bounty hunter?"

"Oh yeah. I don't know, I think I'm going to lay low for awhile because of my last job not going to well..." I said as I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. I felt like Warren was silently judging me for my job, he comes of as a very high moral standards kind of guy. Killing people doesn't really seem like something he would brush off like most people would.

"Yeah that makes sense."

"Yeah... plus I kinda like these guys, there pretty cool."

Warren stopped shaving to look at me, "Really?"

"Yeah I think their kinda cool to hang around with." I shrugged.

"Hm. That's weird." Warren muttered as he looked back at his reflection.


"Well you seem like a smart girl. I just thought you wouldn't want to be associated with people like Remington. I'm mostly talking about Remington, but Elias dealing with his teenage angst as a twenty-five year old man isn't the best either, and Reece is just... she just seems like she'd tire you out." Warren explained.

"Corbans cool."

"Yeah Corban's nice."

"But yeah I get what you're saying. I don't know they just seem like good people." I said.

Warren turned and gave me a weird look, "You think Remington is a good person?"

"I mean... kinda?"

"How old are you again? If you don't mind me asking, I know some women see that question as offensive." Warren asked as he quickly corrected himself.

"Oh it's fine I'm twenty-nine."

Warren just nodded his head.

"What? What does my age have to do with Remington?" I asked.

Warren opened his mouth to speak but then thought for a moment.

Does he know something about Remington that I don't?


"It's not really my place to say." Warren muttered.

"What?" I asked in confusion as I narrowed my eyes at him.

He sighed, "Look just, be careful around him. If I were you I just wouldn't trust him."

I just sat there confused and a bit scared. Is the guy I just had sex with some sort of horrible evil mastermind or something? What the hell does Warren know I don't? Or I'm guessing what literally no one else knows? What does it have to do with age?

"Alright... I guess I'll keep an eye out." I muttered in an unsure voice, "I hope finding your daughter goes well."


"How long has it been? Since she was taken?"

"Seven months ago." Warren sighed, "You know I thought my wife leaving me out of nowhere was bad enough. Then next thing I knew the little town I had been living in since it was founded was being burned to the ground and my daughter was taken right from me."

"I'm sorry that must be horrible. You've had a crazy year."

"Yeah. But I feel like things are going to turn up again for me once I get my daughter back." Warren said in a sad but hopeful voice.

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