Chapter Thirty - Worlds Shittiest Rescue Plan

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We walked out of the building with Remington and headed over to the makeshift hospital so we could see if Corban had any ideas on where we could find Warren and how we could get him out. If the thing about the Syndicates was true than we needed to get out of here ASAP.

"This isn't the way to camp." Remington said.

"Yeah I know we have to talk to Corban, he's the one who told us to talk to you, his input is the best we have right now." I said.

"My input is great!" Remington said defensively.

"Yeah when you can remember to give us all the extremely important details." Blake said as she rolled her eyes.

"So Corban's in here?" Remington asked as he pointed at the door of the makeshift hospital.

"Yes now lets go." I said as I opened the door and took a step inside.

"You know what, I'll just wait out here." Remington said as he stood in place.

"What?!" I asked.

"Wh— Remington we need to figure out how we're going to get Warren back." Blake said, "You can't just not be apart of the conversation!"

"No it's okay. My input isn't that important."

"Remington we didn't mean it like that, Corban just looks at things from a different perspective but you still have great ideas too!" I explained.

"No it's fine!" Remington said, he didn't seem like his feelings were hurt or that he being all dramatic he all the sudden was completely fine with staying out.

"Remington we need you!" Reece said.

"Yeah c'mon," I said as I walked over to him I reached out to grab his arm to pull him inside, "You need to be apart of this discussion to get Warren—"

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Remington exclaimed suddenly as he slapped me across the face.

Everyone went silent.

I let go of his arm and brought my hands up to my stinging cheek, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I snapped at him.

"Go talk to Corban." Remington said angrily as he turned around and walked away.

"What the hell?" Blake muttered, "Is that normal?"

"I've never seen him get that serious before." Reece said.

"Let alone have that quick of a mood change." I said.

"Are you okay Elias?" Cleveland asked.

"Yes I'm fine." I said as I turned to face them. "I literally have no clue what the hell got into him."

"Maybe he feels guilty he forgot to tell us about Warren." Cleveland suggested.

"No that's not it," Reece said.

"Remington never takes the blame for something even when it's his fault. C'mon we're wasting time, let's just see what Corban has to say." I said as I walked back over to the door and walked in.

"I knew Remington had left an important piece of the story out." Corban said as he sat up in his bed listening to our update, "I have no clue what's his issue now but what's important we figure out where Warren is. I think it's safe to say that the Twins did something with him, and if Remington and Warren had their argument on the top of the ravine and no one saw Warren come back down I think our best bet is looking for Warren in the Twins house, the building built on the wall Jacob had brought us too."

"Alright what do we go? If we go now we're at less risk to run into the Syndicates or getting caught not doing our chores, but on the downside we risk getting caught by trying to sneak in, we don't know if they have their entire families in that house or not." Blake said.

"I say we go in the morning," I suggested, "If we go then we can have someone distract them, and then we can get in knowing no one will be inside, look for Warren, grab him if he's there and leave."

"It sounds good but what if he's not there?" Reece asked, "We might not have time to figure out where else he could be. We don't know when the Syndicates will be here."

Corban stared at me nervously, "Look I'm pretty sure that's where Warren is, if he's not we'll figure it out then but we need to figure out how to get into that house. We know it has a front door and some windows..."

"We can break one of the windows." Blake suggested, "Look we'll have to be fast, we won't have time for fancy ways to sneak in. We need to get in, find Warren, all while hoping our distraction works and that Syndicates aren't on their way. I say you put me in charge of sneaking in, I'll take Cleveland and Elias. We'll sneak in while Reece and Remington distract the twins and keep them occupied."

"Sounds good, Reece or Remington can pop in to let me know so I can get out and meet you guys by the entrance. There's no one really here so I won't need to worry about sneaking out." Corban said.

"Alright then... that should be everything." I muttered.

"It's not the most put together plan but... it's something." Corban shrugged.

"Do you guys think Warren will be okay? Do you think they did anything to him?" Cleveland asked.

"I don't think they would. I only think they'd wanna keep him quiet so he wouldn't ruin their plans." Reece reassured.

"Plus Warren's smart, he knows what to do to stay safe." I added.

It was late and everyone headed back to camp except for me. Corban asked me to stay behind to talk to me.

"I'm worried about Remington." Corban said.

"Yeah I mean he's never hit one of us before." I muttered as I gingerly touched my cheek that was still sore, "I mean we've all done shitty things to each other before but..."

"I'm worried he's at a breaking point. I mean you said it yourself Remington said his leadership felt threatened by all these new people, I'm worried it's messing with him. If he gets his hands on hard drugs out here I'm worried about him going on a bender."

I sighed. The last bender Remington went on was when it was just me and him when we first met. It wasn't long but it absolutely recked Remington mentally and physically, "I really hope not... How have you been?"

Corban shrugged, "Nothings changed, my back still hurts like a bitch and so does my head. I can really only open my eyes at night, it's too bright the rest of the day."

"Well I hope we're able to pull this off tomorrow, I hope you'll be feeling at least okay enough to run outta here." I said.

"I hope we find Warren..."

"Yeah. Me too."

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