Chapter Thirty-Two - Shitty Plan In Action

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"Wake up!" Victors voice ordered early the next morning.

I tiredly opened my eyes and sat up, my entire body was sore from all the work I had done yesterday and my eyes were heavy from not getting enough sleep.

"Be ready in five minutes, meet me by the entrance so you guys can receive your chores for the day." Victor said as he walked past us and over by the entrance located not too far away from his house.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned as I sat sitting up. I wasn't sure how we'd be able to pull this off today. I'm sure everyone's just as tired.

"Everything hurts..." Reece groaned as she sat up.

"God yeah, everything's sore." Blake muttered as she began running her fingers through her hair to untangle all the knots.

"Hey when did Remington get back?" Reece said as she looked over at Remington who was fast asleep.

"Oh God I don't know... I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I found him in the middle of town. He was pretty drunk and I think he's not going to be feeling well today." I sighed.

"What?! Why would he get drunk the night before something this important! Especially when he's expecting to be doing physical labor all day?!" Blake exclaimed furiously.

"I don't know, something was off about him last night." I said.

"Off?" Blake echoed.

"He just looked really sad... I don't know how to explain it but he never shows that much vulnerability."

"That is weird..." Reece muttered.

"Aren't you guys worried Remington will be able to hear you talking about him like this?" Cleveland asked in a shy voice.

"Oh no he can't hear us." I said confidently.

"Remington is probably the deepest sleeper we know, he can sleep the whole day away if someone doesn't wake him up." Reece explained.

"Yeah, we should get going, we don't have long." I said as I grabbed my pants and slid them underneath my blanket so the girls would have to stare at me in just a t-shirt and my boxers. It's harder than you'd think to put on pants underneath a blanket without looking like a complete idiot.

I pulled up my pants and stood up and stretched my very sore body while I walked over to Remington. I put my foot on his back and shook him back and forth a couple times before his arm flew up to swat my leg away.

"Don't you dare." He warned in a muffled voice.

"C'mon we have a few minutes before we have to meet Victor to get our chores for today." I said, "Plus we still need to run over the plan with you."

Remington groaned and pulled his blanket over his head.

"Don't make me shake you again."

"Don't fucking shake me. You're going to make me throw up..." Remington muttered, "I feel like shit."

"Yeah maybe you shouldn't go out drinking on a night right before this! What the hell man?! You better pull your own fucking weight and not screw this up for us!" Blake interjected as she walked over as stood next to me.

"Yelling at me won't make me feel better." Remington replied bitterly from under the blanket.

"Well too bad we have shit to do." Blake scoffed, "If you wanna weight us down we'll leave you."

"We will?" I echoed.

"We will." Blake said as she turned and angrily walked away.

We all began work on repairing a section of the brick road running through town after getting up and ready. The whole time Remington complained about his head hurting and being nauseas. He even threw up a couple of times. We eventually got tried of it and just let him lay on the bricks right next to us while we did all the work of filling in the road with bricks and a weird mud-cement mixture.

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