Chapter Forty-Four - Babysitting

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"Shh, shh, c'mon you're alright." I hushed as I stood outside with the baby as he practically screamed. I took him outside whenever he started crying so that I wouldn't disturb Warren who was sleeping at the table. I couldn't tell if the baby was in pain or if he was hungry, I know it wasn't a diaper issue because I checked and can confirm that the baby is in fact a boy. I must've been standing out here for fifteen minutes and this dude was still screaming. My arms were so tired, how come no one talks about how heavy babies are?

"Shush, I know you're hungry we're trying to get you something to eat." I muttered, "Shh sh sh sh. Please just stop crying already..."

But the baby kept crying and crying. I felt so bad, what if this whole time the baby was just crying for his mom? Will he understand that she didn't abandon him? I hope so. Because technically it's our fault he's hurt, it's our fault his mother is dead. The Syndicates were looking for us. Oh God. I feel even worse now.

"What are you doing outside?"

I looked up to see a sweaty and tired Blake walking up to me.

"The baby won't stop crying and Warren's sleeping so I don't wanna wake him up. What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"Looking for Remington, we found some jobs to do and I figured the more working the better. Especially since all of us got everything taken away." Blake said, "I'm guessing he's not here?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

Blake sighed, "I looked all over the place for him."

"You probably don't want his help he's probably drunk already." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh my God that baby will not stop huh?" Blake said.

"Yeah my heads starting to hurt. I think he's hungry. By the way it is a he." I said.

"Do you want me to go buy something real quick? I have just enough to buy something for him to eat." Blake offered.

"Yeah if you're able to."

"Alright stay right here, also do you know how old Warren thinks the baby is?" Blake asked.

"I think he said seven months."

"Alright great, I'll ask whoever's selling the food." Blake said as she turned around and walked off.

I sat down at the door of the door step still holding onto the crying baby, he just didn't stop. Waiting for Blake felt like ages. The baby just kept crying, I thought he would've worn himself out by know but he just kept going. I could feel my head pounding from all the noise. After was seemed like ages Blake came back holding a container of a red liquid mixture.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"I don't know but the lady who sold me this said she raised her kids on this." Blake said, she sat down next to me and took a spoonful of the weird mixture and held it up for the baby while I turned over to face her and sat the baby on my lap. He started to calm down once he saw the food and let Blake feed it to him. He must've either liked it or was super hungry because he ate it with no issues. It was actually kind of nice feeding the baby, when he wasn't screaming his head off he was actually quite enjoyable.

The sun was setting by the time Cleveland, Blake, and Reece came back with some food for us after working the rest of the day. It was nothing fancy, stale crackers and some uncooked vegetables was all we could get. We ate outside since Warren was still asleep at the table and we didn't want to disturb him. I was worried about him, he seemed very stressed out over everything and now with the baby he's the only one who knows how to take care of it. I wish I could help him more.

"Remingtons still not back yet huh?" Blake said.

"Yeah he's like that sometimes." Reece shrugged.

"He kinda did his own thing back when we had like an actual camp." Elias added, "We only saw him half the time."

"Yeah Remingtons a werido but we still love him." Reece said.

"He's not a werido he's an addict." Elias muttered.

Suddenly the door to the tiny house opened up and Warren stood there in the doorway still looking just as tired as he always does while he carried the baby out with him that was crying again.

"Oh shit I'm sorry," I said as I stood up, "I didn't mean to leave him in there with you."

"It's fine." Warren muttered, "I needed to wake up anyways."

"Warren you should eat, I saved some crackers and tomatoes for you." Cleveland said.

"No I'm okay I'm not hungry." Warren said as he sat down next to Cleveland while trying to get the baby to stop crying.

"Is he hungry again?" Blake asked.

Warren shook his head, "I tried already, I think he's just in pain."

"Aww poor guy." Reece muttered, "Oh yeah well now that we know he's a boy we should name him!"

"Yeah it feels bad just calling him 'the baby'" Elias said.

Warren sat there thinking of what to say, I knew a part of him wanted to tell the others how bad it was, I knew Elias was there when Warren explained it to me but I don't think he understands how bad it really is. "Well it won't matter, once I'm sure everything is fine with him we'll be giving him to a family who can take care of him."

"What? We can take care of him!" Reece said.

"My daughter is my biggest priority right now." Warren said as he gave the baby one of the crackers to teeth on so it would get him to stop crying, "Plus I don't like the idea of Remington raising a child. I'm sure the rest of you will do fine but..."

"Yeah no we get what your saying. I don't think we'd be too good either anyways." I said, "Me and Reece are still teenagers."

"Yeah that's why I think we should find a stable family." Warren said as he tiredly leaned on Cleveland, "I'm sure someone here would love to take him."

"Warren you should really eat something..." Cleveland whispered to him.

"I said I'm fine." Warren said under his breath.

Cleveland whispered something to him that only garnered Warren's same response.

"When do you think the baby will be better?" Reece asked.

"Probably the same time Elias's leg heals up. Ten days should give it enough time to make sure the babies head starts the heal thing process and Elias can be back on his feet." Warren explained.

"Well that's not too bad!" Reece said, "Ten days isn't that long."

"It is for me..." Warren mumbled bitterly.

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