Chapter Thirty-Six - Over The Line

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TW Racial Slurs

"YOU'RE A SYNDICATE?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Warren exclaimed angrily.

I winced from the loud noise that put more pressure on my head ache, but I was still confused. How in the hell is Warren related to a Syndicate?

"Oh don't get me started with the whole high and mighty bullshit your standing next to one!" Barron retorted as he point at Remington.

We all looked at Remington.

Remington shook his head and rolled his eyes. His calm body language was enough to make us all believe his little nod of the head but, I wasn't sure. I know how well Remington could lie... but he wouldn't actually be a former Syndicate. Right?


"Wow. Rude." Remington muttered under his breath while Warren yelled at his brother.


"You have a kid..?" Barron asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I fucking do Barron and I haven't seen her in seven months because YOU MONSTERS TOOK HER AWAY! You know she's only six right?"

"We only take children away that are in families struggling to feed them and give them better opportunities while their families get back on their feet I don't understand what's so monstrous about that."

"THATS THE THING! Everyone says that's why you take kids but me and my daughter were perfectly fine until you're organization stormed the village we were living in and STOLE HER."

"Barron as much as we understand this is an emotional moment for you we can't let that get in the way, these criminals need to be detained. Doesn't matter if one is related to you or not." One of the other Syndicates said passive aggressively.

"Oh don't worry I wasn't planning on it." Barron said as he turned around and started walking in to the direction of where they had set up camp signaling for the others to come with.

My head was pounding from all the yelling. A Syndicate aggressively grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me forward forcing me to walk with them. I winced as I was moved roughly feeling my back burn from the fabric quickly rubbing up against it. I closed my eyes trying to protect myself from looking at the fast moving objects from nearly tripping while I as being grabbed.

"Hey get your hands off him!" Elias exclaimed as he took a step forward towards me and the Syndicate that was pulling me along, "He's hurt be careful!"

"Shut the hell up you gook!" Another Syndicate exclaimed as he reached over and pushed Elias back roughly.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Elias said in a infuriated and shocked voice.

"I called you a gook." The Syndicate said in a cocky mocking tone, "Now you shut the fuck up and comply with us or I'll carve it into your fucking skin."

I glanced up and looked over at Elias, he looked more hurt than angry now. He opened his mouth to reply but no words came out. He just let himself get pushed forward again and started walking.

I felt so bad. It's not a secret that Elias is very different from us, everyone else in our little group here except for Blake is white. Even when it was just the four of us Elias has always been the only one with dark skin and mono-lids. Elias is the only one of the four of us who's experienced racism. I remember one day Remington and Elias were explaining what school was like to me and Reece. I remember Elias telling us that he grew up in a mostly white town and that the kids at his school used to call him ugly for his Asian features. I remember so vividly how upset he looked when he told us that, I could tell it still had an impact on his self esteem. I don't blame him. I couldn't imagine what it must've been like just having random kids come up to you with the corners of their eyes taped back to mock him. Right there in the hallway. It's disgusting.

When we arrived at the Syndicate camps they tied our hands against poles, having two people for each one sitting back to back with each other. It was painful having my back up against such a hard surface. When the Syndicate set me down he pushed me up against the pole so hard I could've sworn he opened up a small portion of the healing skin on my back. Elias was the one I had to share the pole with.

"Elias." I whispered, "I'm sorry—"

"Stop. I don't wanna talk about it." He whispered back angrily.

I just nodded my head and slumped down. I felt really guilty now.

"Warren what the hell?" Remington asked from where he was tied up a few feet away from us, unlike everyone else Remington was tied up alone, possibly because of the odd numbers, also possible that Remington is more important to the Syndicates than the rest of us.

"Why the hell is your brother a Syndicate?" Blake asked.

"You think I know? I haven't spoken to him in fourteen years!" Warren exclaimed.

"Why? Did your parents like disown him or something?" Remington asked, "Or did you hurt his feelings and now we're stuck here."

"First off Remington bold of you to accuse me of getting us in this situation, I wasn't the one who was hungover yesterday." Warren sneered.

"Don't look at me, Elias was in charge yesterday." Remington shrugged, "But don't avoid the question what did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything, we just had a falling out. I almost died and he never once went to go see me or ask me if I was okay. So I just let him be." Warren responded begrudgingly.

"I don't blame him." Remington muttered under his breath.

"Remington will you just please shut the fuck up." Warren snapped, "Would it seriously fucking kill you to just be respectful for once in your goddamn life instead being a dick to everyone. It's literally not that fucking hard to keep your mouth shut." Warren stared at Remington with anger in his eyes, he was close to his breaking point I could tell. He's had enough of Remington, "I'm sick and tired of your shit, we stay one night with you. ONE fucking night and now you've knocked us so off course. I literally could've left, I could be on my way to getting my daughter back if you would've just listened to me in the very beginning! I cannot believe you haven't gotten yourself or one of your friends killed yet. I'm sick and tired of dealing with you. I'm done. Your a narcissistic ass hole who only cares about others when it effects yourself, you lack basic empathy and common sense, and you have the hygiene habits of an actual three year old. Good fucking luck making it in your own. I'm done."

Everyone sat in silence.

"Okay have fun trying to leave then." Remington said in a snarky voice.

"You're a piece of shit."

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