Chapter Thiry-One - Laying In The Middle Of The Street

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After discussing our plans we all went to bed. It had to be around one in the morning when I finally laid down to go to sleep. I was exhausted from a long day of working and I knew I would need my strength for tomorrow.

I woke up a bout maybe an hour or two later.

While taking a brief look around before going back to sleep I noticed Remember still hadn't come back. I sat up in a panic, I knew Remington was either drunk or he was upset from whatever I did earlier to make him mad enough to hit me so hard I couldn't press that side of my face against the ground.

I grabbed my jacket, put on some pants and shoes and left. It was completely silent in the town, there were barely any lights that were one while the whole town slept. It was almost a pretty sight, if my brain wasn't focused on figuring out where Remington was. I made my way over to the bar he was at earlier only to find it had closed. But luckily not so far away was a man laying in the street who looked strangely similar to Remington.


The man in the street slowly sat up to take a look at me. Yeah that was him.

"Remington what are you doing out here?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"The ground feels nice..." He muttered as he set his head back down on bricks that made up the road.

"Remember c'mon we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow you need to go to bed at camp. Not in the center of town." I said.

"Pfft you can't tell me what to do." Remington remarked in a quiet and tired voice.

"Remington please, I'm tired, you're tired, let's go to bed."

"That's what I'm doing right now." Remington said as he rolled onto his side.

"Remington— you can't sleep in the middle of the road." I said as I reached down to grab him, but I hesitated, I didn't want to be slapped like last time. Why did he slap me? He was never violent towards me in all the years I've known him, I shouldn't be arguing with him, I have a right to be upset. "I'm done putting up with your shit today let's go."

Remington just ignored me.

"You do realize how selfish you're being right now, we have important fucking shit to do tomorrow and your making this a million times more harder. Can you please think for others instead of yourself for once in your fucking life? Seriously. You're acting like a fucking child, you refused to participate in important conversations, you hit me, and now you're arguing with me on why you can't sleep in the fucking road. I don't understand why I'm even trying to be nice about this right now. You're screwing everything up right now!"

"Oh I'm sorry I'm such a problem for you." Remington replied, "I'm sorry I'm such a burden for you. I'm sorry everyone is so fucking perfect and I don't do anything but slow everyone down."

"Oh please don't turn this into a fucking sob story, pick your ass up and get back to camp. I've dealt with you being difficult all fucking day you even hit me Remington and never even apologized! Now for the love of God make my night the slightest bit easier by dropping this fucking act and coming back with me and going to bed. It's not that complicated ya know."

"Go away..." Remington grumbled as he covered his hands with his arms, "I don't feel good and you're making my head hurt worse."

"Why don't you feel good? You drank the night away didn't you? Knowing how we would be working tomorrow and trying to get Warren back as well? So you thought it was a good idea to get drunk act difficult when I try to help you when I've barely slept and now you're going to be hungover in the morning and you won't be able to do shit. Good job Remington. Good fucking job. You know what? I'm not arguing with you anymore." I bent down and grabbed his arm and yanked him off the ground.

"OW! Stop— Elias!" Remington exclaimed.

I started dragging him along the brick street as I angrily walked back to camp.

"Elias! Elias stop!" Remington cried out, "Your hurting me."

"You hurt me too." I snapped back. "You wanna treat us like shit all day? We'll treat you like shit."

Suddenly I felt Remington hit me in the back of the knee causing it to give out. I stumbled and let go of Remingtons arm. I stood back up and watched Remington pull himself up to his feet while leaning on a wall. He stared me down with anger but not for long before he bent back down to vomit onto the pavement.

"Urgh God." I groaned as I looked away and cringed at the sound of the contents inside of Remingtons stomach splattering onto the pavement.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that..." Remington sputtered as he wiped his mouth with his arm, "Please don't be mad at me. I've seemed to make you hate me enough as it is."

I sighed, "Remington I don't hate you. I'm just really really upset with what you've done today. I've had a hard day and you're just being more difficult."

"I'm sorry I hit you... You startled me and It was my first reaction." Remington muttered in a sad voice as he leaned against the wall.

I was taken back a bit. Remington never apologizes sincerely. He rarely ever acknowledges when he's wrong. Having him apologize with showing this much emotion is a huge change. It just doesn't make sense, he seemed honest about being startled but Remington has no problem with being touched and it's not like I grabbed him by his scarred arm either. So why would he be startled? Especially since at the time he was at his calmest, he had at least one beer in his system by then. Why was he startled?

"Thank you." I said in a sigh of relief, "See it wasn't that hard to admit that you messed up, see how much happier I am now?"

Remington just grunted in agreement.

"C'mon, I'll help you walk back with me as long as you cooperate." I offered.

Remington just stared at me, blinked slowly and started walking towards me stumbling every few steps. I just couldn't get over how upset he looked. Sure he was just staring at me with a blank expression but his eyes just— they looked so tormented. Remington has never been someone to show his emotions like this, if he's ever upset he's usually deals with it through anger. Even if he's drunk if something was bothering him he'd act angry. This was different.

I put Remingtons arm around my shoulder so he could lean on me as we walked back, "Are you okay? You seem... different."

"I just threw up. I feel like shit."

"Yeah but like, is there something else that is bothering you?"

"My head hurts."

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