Chapter Twenty-Four - The Difference Between a Branding and a Tatoo

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I was confused when I woke up. I hate sleeping on my stomach, that was the first red flag. For some reason my mouth was throbbing and my back was sore— and I couldn't move my hands. They were tied together. Oh my God did that guard lady take me as a prisoner? Oh my god where's everyone else? They left me?

I raised my head up and tried looking around, everything was all blurry from not having my glasses. It was early in morning, because the sun was rising. Looking around I was outside on a couple of blankets, I could see a fire pit with a dying fire a few feet in front of me and a couple people laying around  me.

"HELP! HELP! Someone help me!" I yelled as I laid my face back down on the grass, my neck was too tired from straining it so far, "HELLO?"

"What!? What!? Why are you screaming?" I heard Remingtons tired voice ask in an irritated tone. I could hear the others start to stir around us, I must have woken everyone up, I guess I'm not captured after all. Wait. Why are my arms tied behind my back.

"What's going on?! Why did you guys tie my hands behind my back?" I asked angrily.

"How about you tell us what's with the funny little sign on your back first." Elias said, I couldn't see him but I could feel him staring me down.

Oh no.

They saw my scar.

Great now I get to explain that.

I sighed, "I'm not a Syndicate."

"How can we know for sure?" Elias asked in a threatening tone.

"Because Syndicate members don't get branded, they get tattoos and the tattoos are on their bicep." I muttered in a quite voice, "The child slaves get... branded."

I felt them all freeze up.

"...I'm sorry Corban." Elias said.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Remington lean over and cut the rope around my arms with a knife. With my hands free I slowly pushed myself up off the grass wincing as my entire back has shooting pain from the top to bottom.

"Do you feel okay? Anything feel out of place?" Warren asked.

"My teeth hurt." I muttered.

"You were kicked in the mouth pretty hard." Remington said in a lighthearted joking tone trying to lighten the mood. I just stared at him with an unamused look.

"When it's lighter out I'm going to give you a quick concussion screening to make sure you're okay." Warren said.

"Okay, thanks." I muttered. I sat there for a second but still felt everyone staring at me. "You want to ask me questions don't you?"

"I mean yeah we have tons," Elias said in a irritated tone but then realized his rudeness and fixed his tone to being more gentler, "I mean uh, unless you don't want to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it. But just get the questions over with." I said, I wasn't excited for this, but if I don't answer them all now then one day they'll bug me about it and then I'll have to remember everything. It's just better if I never have to think of it again.

"Are you sure?" Reece asked.

"If I don't answer them now you guys will ask me later so just do it already." I angrily responded.

"How old were you when they stole you?" Remington asked.

"I was never stolen." I corrected, "My Dad, gave me up."

"What?" Remington breathed.

"He thought he was helping!" I snapped back, "It was a few months after the bombs went off I was still five and my dad— he didn't know how to do it. He couldn't live like that he wasn't exactly the most fit and he wasn't good at adapting...we went days at a time without food and at the time no one knew how bad the Syndicates were. They said they'd take care of me while my dad learned out to survive and my— my dad promised he'd see me again but..." I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes to cover up the fact that I was tearing up. I blinked a couple times and swallowed before going again. "I got lucky and escaped. That night is when I ran into Elias and Remington, and yeah. That's it. Now can I have my glasses please?"

"Oh I uh yeah I taped them back together for you," Remington said as he handed them to me.


"I'm sorry that happened." Cleveland said as he nervously avoided eye contact.

"It's fine. It's all in the past now." I muttered as I wiped down my glasses. I looked over to see Reece giving me a strange look, so looked sad and like she wanted to say something. But she didn't say anything. That's weird. She's always able to talk.

"Well uh... it's still really early, let's sleep for few more hours then see how Corbans doing and then hit the road." Remington said.

"Sounds good." Elias said as he laid back down on his sleeping bag.

I looked over to my right to see Warren staring at me as well, he also looked like he wanted to say something.

"Corban, I— if it's too much to ask then don't worry but do you think you'd know anything that would help me in uhh finding my daughter? ...If it's too hard I understand it must be very traumatizing and, hard but I need anything I can get." Warren asked as he stared at me with pleading eyes, I was taken back a bit. It's the most exposed I've seen him, the first time I've seen Warren look nervous, he always seemed like such a calm collected guy.

"Uh I'll have to think about what will help but if I think of anything I'll let you know." I muttered.

"Thank you— You don't know how big of a help this is really. Thank you Corban." Warren said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

I gave him a nervous smile and then slowly started lowering myself back down to the floor. As much as I hated having to think of everything again... and relive it all... I want to help Warren. He's the first person I've met who I feel like is like me. Before when it was just Remington, Elias, me, and Reece I always felt left out. Like I couldn't fit in with them as well. But Warren is like me, he thinks like me he cares about the same things as me. He even reminds me of my dad... maybe if I can help Warren find his kid, maybe he'll help me find my dad. Despite what my dad did all those years ago, I know he wanted to help. I used to be mad at him but I know it must've destroyed him when he had to give me away. I know it must've torn him apart when he realized how bad the Syndicates were. I know he loves me and would do anything to take it all back.

Finding my dad has always something I gave up hope for. I know its basically impossible but, with a guy as smart as Warren... maybe... maybe I can see him again.

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