Chapter Eighteen - We're Screwed This Time

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"FUCK!" Remington exclaimed angrily, "CORBAN IF YOU WOULD'VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT WE--"


"HEY! Knock it off alright!" The deer lady orders as she stares down at us as she signals her guards over, "Yeesh you guys don't know how to stay quiet if it saved your lives."

We're ordered to get out of the hole with our hands up. We're then quickly pushed to our knees by the deer lady's men while our hands were being bound with rope.

"We are not affiliated with him. Please let me and my friend Cleveland here go, we owe no debt to you we've never harmed you." Warren begs.

"You may owe us no debt but you have crossed into city lines, the city lines of a town called Sardale, a town that pays me and my people to protect them against thugs and criminals like you." The deer lady said in a confident cheery tone.

"But we're not criminals!" Warren protests.

"You were traveling with Remington Prince," She states, "your criminals through association." Warren opened his mouth to argue but was cut short. "Don't keep arguing with me old man, unless you'd like your tongue cut out from your throat." The deer lady glared at him through the eyes of the deer skull and turned away from him and walked over to her followers who surrounded us. The skulls hiding their faces lined the perimeter like some form of twisted joke of a white picket fence. They made me feel uneasy and scared. The rope tied around my wrists were right and hurt. I would try to escape but one of these deer skull minions was right behind me, so close I could almost feel him breathing on me.

I looked over at Remington with anger and confusion but his face was painted with that stupid look on his face, a look of boredom and a lack of care for what was happening to him and those who help him. He turned around and made eye contact with me after he felt me staring at him.

"What did you do." I asked in a stern voice as we were forced to our feet.

Remington gave a small sad look of guilt and just looked the other way.

"Aw look how sad." The deer lady piped up, "Princey here hasn't told them anything, how unfortunate."

We're led into town where people line up outside of small buildings to watch us get walked into the middle of town. People are wearing similar clothing as the deer lady and her men, all looking animal based or animal related. They watch us with round curious eyes. We're walked into a larger building in the center of town, it looks nicer than all the rest probably some sort of town hall.

Walking in we arrived at a row of jail cells lining the entrance. An odd choice for the first room you walk into. Along the entrance right before the room full of jail cells there is a narrow hallway that crosses through the entrance, each of the ends lead into dark hallways that wrap around the walls of the jail cell room.

We're lead down into the jail cell room and split into two cells next to each other. Me, Remington, and Reece in one cell and Warren, Cleveland, and Corban in the other. Across from us in the other row of cells sits a woman, she has black hair and tan skin. Her back is against the wall to her cell, her dark eyes following us as we are walked in.

"We'll be back for you later Princey." The deer lady said as her men untie our hands and leave our cells. She slams the door and her eyes give us a look that she's smiling underneath the deer skull and the scarf covering her mouth as she and her men leave the room.

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