Chapter Twenty-Seven - Bilingual

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It's a good thing I've been fluent in Spanish for thirty years.

Victor had showed where we could stay, a small space of grass where he'd allow us to set up some tents. The entire time while he explained what they'd have us do and start soon I kept looking for my opportunity to pull Remington aside. I feel like he would very much appreciate a translation of what the two had said.

"Excuse me," I interrupted, "But before we begin can me and Remington just go to the bathroom up in the wooded area up at the top?"

"I don't—" I elbowed Remington before he could finish talking so he didn't make us seem more suspicious than we already are.

"Fine. But be back here in five minutes so we can get you guys started on what you'll be doing." Victor said.

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed Remington by the arm and pulled him along with me as we headed back over to the carved out path on the ravine wall we had entered in.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Remington exclaimed angrily.

I aggressively shushed him as we hurried up the path, "Listen we need to get away from the twins I need to tell you something very important."

"This can't wait?" Remington groaned.

"No it cannot."

I basically dragged him up the ravine, as we got up in the brush I pulled him behind a tree, he looked like he could care less what I had to say.

"Look Remington I know we don't get along but if you're going to listen to anything I tell you for the love of God listen to me now." I said as I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching us. "So you know how the twins were talking in Spanish?"

"Yeah they do that sometimes. Crazy." Remington muttered sarcastically.

"Remington I am serious I know exactly what they said I used to have several government documents saying that I am in fact bilingual and fluent in both English and Spanish. We cannot trust them. Victor and his brother are only letting us stay because they know your wanted by the Syndicates and they want to hold you at ransom. We need to get out of here right now." I explained, the whole time Remington just stared at me and blinked at me slowly like his brain was rotting further than it already has.

"Warren, be honest with me." Remington said.

"Okay I am. I have been."

"Do you not trust them because of what thought you heard? Or do you not trust them because they're Mexican and they speak Spanish?" Remington asked.

He cannot be serious right now.

"E-Excuse me?"

"It's okay Warren you can be honest with me."

"First of all, do you not fucking understand what the phrase "I am fluent in Spanish" means? Are you actually that brain dead? Secondly, no. No I am not racist nor will I ever be and fun fact buddy my father was half Mexican an entire quarter of my extended family was all Mexican so it would be pretty fucking stupid of me to make a claim like that just because they're Hispanic."

"Look I'm not calling you racist, so you can calm down. I'm just saying I've known these guys for a lot longer than you have, and I'm telling you that does not sound like something they would do." Remington argued.

"Remington there is literally nothing I am getting out of this argument I am trying to warn you of something they are trying to do to you! Specifically only you. I am trying to help you!" I explained.

"See Warren I know your lying." Remington said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms up in frustration.

"You think I haven't noticed how much everyone seems to love you ever since you and Cleveland tagged along with us?"

"Wh— Remington what does this have to do with what I'm trying to tell you?"

"Your trying to steal my friends from me!"

I just stared at him dumbfounded, his argument was so paranoid, childish, and flat out stupid I couldn't respond. My brain was made to only process so much, Remingtons potent stupidity was not one of them.

"Ever since you've been around all you've talked about is how your some big fancy doctor with oh so many expensive college degrees, and oh 'I'm a certified genius', and 'oh by the way I can speak two languages perfectly and I'm certified for that too'. Don't think I haven't noticed buddy but I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I know you only say that because we both know there's no way you can prove anything anymore. Everyone's titles are gone, washed away, bye bye, there is no government anymore in case you forgot. Anyone can say they're a doctor! Anyone can say they're a 'certified genius' even I can! In fact you could be lying about this whole narcolepsy thing too! I've never once seen you faint!" Remington snapped.

I got to admit, he had a few good points that I had never thought of, then he ruined it with that idiotic last comment. It's shocking how much narcolepsy has been generalized.

"Fine. You don't believe me? Eres uno de los idiotios paraniod más estúpidos que he conocido. Estoy tratando de ayudarte para que literalmente no te vendan a los Syndicates y no puedas cerrar tu estúpida trampa por cinco minutos para escuchar a alguien tratando de ayudarte. Puedo entender que no me creas debido a la falta de credenciales, pero si digo todo esto en español no te hace creer al menos el hecho de que Víctor y su hermano están conspirando contra ti, no sé por qué. There! Is that good enough for you?!" I exclaimed.

Remington stared at me for a moment, I was praying it was him thinking for just a moment.

"How do I know your not just throwing around gibberish? I don't know Spanish? You could just be singing a song or throwing a bunch of vocal words together." Remington said.

I got my hopes up. He does not think, I should've known it was his brain just curating his next stupid statement.

"I don't know what you want me to do any more, I'm trying so hard to help you and yet I can't tel if you won't believe me because you're that mentally deficient or if you're just incredibly stubborn." I retorted, "You know what? I'm done trying. Me and Cleveland are leaving. You haven't done shit but waste our time. I've got much bigger problems to deal with than argue with you every damn day."

"Good. Great I'm glad." Remington said as he crossed his arms, he stepped forward and walked back over to the path that lead back down the Ravine, "Go pretend to be a doctor somewhere else."

I just stood there and sighed. I felt bad for Corban, this kid probably went through so much trauma for the majority of his life, and this is the lunatic he gets stuck with after? Poor kid must be loosing his mind. I know he has potential but I don't think he can reach it with Remington around.

Suddenly someone's hand covered my mouth and I was pulled down to their height. Their other arm was tightly held against my neck, I couldn't scream.

"So you're fluent in Spanish huh?"

It was one of the twins.

The Runawaysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें