Chapter Two - Portions

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Waking up to Remmington yelling like that is never something I find enjoyable. Remmington is our unofficial leader. I have no idea why we all listen to him. But we do. Despite how reckless and absolutely brainless he is, and not to mention how much of a pathological liar he is. I don't actually know how old he is. Probably my age, maybe a year or two older.

I get up and walk outside to see Remmington standing by the fire proudly holding a sack. Remmington is a bit shorter than me. He has bright green eyes and mess brown hair. His skin is a lot lighter than mine, but then again I am Portirican, and he is white like the others. He has stubble along his jawline and has a huge burn scar on his arm he always covers with bandages. He said it's from falling into a fire while he was drunk and that is probably the most believable thing he's ever said to me.

"You guys know that knife I made the other day?" Remmington asks as he proudly holds up the sack, "I just sold it for one and three quarters portion," He says with a smile on his face as he unties a small bag and pulls out several small hexagon shaped pieces, that when put together make up half of an octagon. It's our new currency now. Small stone like pieces that fit together to make one big piece which is referred to as a portion. Having one whole portion was around the equivalent of one-hundred dollars.

"Nice," I say smiling.

"We should eat out tonight! Go into town and go eat at the diner they have, we have just enough to pay for dinner and drinks!" Reece explains excitedly.

"I actually think we should save the money," Corban states, "Maybe use it later to buy food instead of stealing it,"

"Well did you guys find anything in the traps?" Remington asks as he looks up at me and Corban.

"Nothing. They sucked this place dry. " I grumble.

"Hm, well then, it wouldn't hurt to get some food from town," Remington says smiling, "That tavern down there has some great--"

"I'm gonna stop you right there Remington," Corban interjects. "If we're buying food we'll buy it from a market stand where it's cheaper, we need to save our money, winter will becoming soon and we'll need all that extra cash laying around,"

"He's right," I say, "I mean what if one day we finally find some ammo for the gun? Can you imagine how powerful we would be? Hell we'd be able to take over the whole town," I eye the holster strapped to the side of Remington's thigh. I felt so powerful just working with him. Was he the best leader? No. But he had one of the most rarest, yet most powerful items a person can have in this day and age. They were extremely rare now, ammo was ten times scarcer than the actual gun.

"Elias has a point," Corban says, "A loaded gun, no bluffing, if we shoot someone on the spot down there they'll be kissin' our asses in seconds,"

"Okay but you two do realize how rare it is to find ammo? At all? And you really think someone's gonna sell it?" Remington asked, "Cause lemme tell you if they even do consider selling it, it'd be a price we could never afford no matter how much we save up,"

"So whatta' we gonna do with the money?" Reece asks.

Remington pauses for a moment then puts the pieces back in the small bag they came in, "We'll save them for now, seems like the smart thing to do,"

"Oh here wait!" Reece says as she runs off into her tent and climbs in. She disappears for a good second or two before she comes running back out, "Here!" She says holding eight small triangles in her hand, each worth around a dollar each, "We should keep 'em in one place, so it's safe,"

"And easier to steal," Corban murmurs.

"Not unless I hide it well," Remington says as he takes the bag, putting Reece's portions in and then shoving it into his back pocket.

I narrow my eyes a bit at Remington, I don't really trust him holding the money for us, especially when it's that much, "Hey Remy I can hold onto that if you'd like," I offer.

"Oh no it's fine Elias I've got it taken care of," Remington says as he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Okay, just makin' sure," I say. Corban notices how I look slightly worried and gives me a shrug.

"Anyways," Remington says as he puts his hands on his hips and looks around, "what to do what to do for dinner? Hm, Corban, Elias why don't you two go head out see if you can get anything, I'm sure there's something out there."

"We looked Remington there is nothing! We looked for hours," I snap, I'm tried, I don't wanna go back in there, I've been walking around all day.

Remington gives a look of annoyance towards my attitude but sighs and continues, "Well then I guess we're going back into town then, steal stuff from the market stands it is, that is if they're still open."

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