Chapter Fifty-One - Marriage Is Hard

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October 13th 2018

"Do you want Arby's? I know how much you love Arby's." Oliva offered was she drove.

"No thanks. I want real food I'm sick and tired of all the cafeteria shit. I want home-cooked food." I grumbled with my head up against the passenger window.

"Your mom brought you home-cooked meals twice a week Warren." Olivia teased.

"It's not the same when there all in a plastic container and you have to reheat them in the microwave." I said flatly, I really wasn't in the mood. I'm tried and I just want to go to bed, in my own bed.

"Why are you being so grumpy today? I thought you'd be happy to finally be out of the hospital?"

"Because I can't sleep anymore Liv! And when I do it feels like I've slept for twenty minutes. And also I kinda lost my job so that's fun too. I'm twenty-eight and the career I spent seven years working towards was just flushed down the toilet. So yeah I'm still upset." I said snapping at her I immediately felt bad, I'm just so angry and tired, "I'm sorry, I know your trying to help—"

"No it's fine."

I rolled my eyes, "Liv I said I'm sorry—"

"And I'm saying it's fine."

"Well you don't sound like your fine. Your talking in that voice again."

"What do you want me to do Warren?"

"Just acknowledge that I'm going to be upset for awhile."

"I am acknowledging that! I just did!"

"Yeah but you said in a condescending tone."

"Okay you know what I'm done arguing. Your home now, this is a big improvement. We're gonna be happy about this." Olivia sighed as she turned the corner into our neighborhood.

"Yeah hold on let me just turn off the sad switch in my brain that has a giant hole in the middle of it." I said in a snarky voice.

"Warren I am trying so hard to help you out here but I can't do that if your going to act like a stubborn teenager all day." Olivia said as she pulled into our driveway, "Now please be nice, Ted and Maris want to say hi, they were nice enough to mow our lawn while you were gone."

I reached down and unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I watched as our neighbors front door opened as Ted and Maris Deweiko. They were a bit older than me and Olivia but they were a nice family, they had an eight year old son named Cleveland who was very shy despite being directly related to Ted who wanted to become friends with every person he met.

"Olivia I told you to tell me as early as possible when you knew Warren would be coming back! I would've thrown a whole block party for him!" Ted jokingly exclaimed as he and Maris walked over to greet us.

I forced a smile and chuckled, I love Ted but I'm just really not in the mood, "I don't need a whole block party Ted."

"Yes you do! Plus you guys know I have my block party license..." Ted said as he smiled.

"Yeah I can't believe you need a license for that." Olivia chuckled.

"So Warren how are you feeling?" Maris asked, Maris was a lot quieter than her husband, both of the Deweiko's had black hair and were both tall, I remember when we moved in one of the first things Ted said was that he and Maris were not related. Apparently they had been asked a multitude of times but frankly I don't blame them, the only difference in their genetics was Ted's curly hair and Maris's straight hair.

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