Chapter 54

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We all reached the main room and found him in front of some sort of altar.

Validar:"Well well...Come to witness the glorious culmination of your failure? How nice. I have the Fire Emblem, and the Dragon's Table is set for a feast. I will return Grima to this world!"

Chrom:"You'll DESTROY the world! Lucina has seen it!"

Validar:"Then I pray today's spectacle lives up to her nigthmares! The Awakening rite is not only for exalts and Naga, you know. With it, I'll rouse Grima! The Fell Dragon needs only a mortal vessel, and it's ready."

Me:"Who are you talking about? That Robin?"

Validar:"He has Grima's blood in his veins, but it's not enough. My father was not worthy, nor was his father before him. Even I was able to accept Grima's most sacred gift. But he has all the makings, he's perfect!"

Lucina:"So you'll sacrifice your own son for such a reason!?"

Validar:"Sacrifice? He'll become more than human. He's more than happy to serve for the purpose."

Me:"Oh really?...Wich of the two?"

He raised an eyebrow at my words, while the others looked me confused.

They couldn't know there were two souls within that boy.

But from Validar's reaction, he knew.

Validar:"...I don't know what you're talking about."

Lissa:"Uhm, Y/N, what do you mean 'two'?"

Me:"I'll explain later, after we get rid of him and stop this madness."

Validar:"You may have killed me in some future past, but I am stronger this time! With the power of the Dragon's Table flowing through me, I am unstoppable."

Me:"We'll see about that!"

Chrom:"This is it! Our final battle! Now let's kill this...this dastard...and...ugh..."

Suddendly Chrom kneeled on the ground in pain, trying to use Falchion to stand.



Maribelle:"Prince Chrom! Let me heal you!"

However, her healing staff didn't work as Chrom started panting even more.

Lucina:"Father, what's wrong with you!?"

I turned to Validar with my fists engulfed of fire.

Me:"What have you done!?"

But to my surprise, he was as counfused as we were.

Validar:"Nothing. I don't know what-"

???:"I can explain."

To our shock, a Levin sword popped out from Validar's chest, as he let out a scream.

Behind him, without his hood, was Robin.


Validar:"What...what's the meaning...of this?"

Robin:"It means you played your part. And now, I have no use for you."


Robin:"Farewell, 'father'."

He slashed half of his body splitting it. Validar fell on a pool of blood.

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now