Chapter 47

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She just stood on the corridor, blocking Basilio.

Me:"What? Why?"

Lucina:"Y/N, you mustn't let Khan Basilio to go with you, he can't. He'll die in this battle. I know it for truth!"


Basilio:"You know lass, you have a strange way of saying goodbye. All right then. Who is it? Who kills me? Is it Walhart himself?...Please say yes. It'd make a poor song to die at the end of some farmer's pitchfork."

Me:"Basilio, this is not matter of jokes!"

I turned to Lucina with a worried thought.

Me:"...It is, right?"

Lucina:"...Yes, it was Walhart. Or so goes the story I heard. We must change our plans so fate cannot take this course!"

Me:"In that case, I'll go alone as I said."

Basilio:"Don't be so sure. You won't get rid of me."

I needed all my self control for not slapping him.

Me:"Are you deaf!? You will die!"

Basilio:"I MAY die, it's completely different. I just need to stay away from Walhart and that's it. Plain and simple."

Lucina:"N-No! It's never this simple!"

Me:"If you must stay away, just DON'T go to him!"

Flavia:"It's useless, guys, he won't listen. That's why I'll go with him."

That was his turn to shout.

Basilio:"You aren't coming, woman! You're the reigning khan!"

Flavia:"I thought you intended to survive, oaf. Regna Ferox has two khans, and now you're responsable for both. I dare you to die now!"

I just wanted to hit both of them and leave when Basilio started to laugh.

Basilio:"All right, all right. You can come."

Me:"You can't be serious!"

Flavia:"Don't worry. We'll go with a part of the army, and as long as we stay together, everything should go fine."

Lucina:"But please, your future! You must-"

Basilio:" 'Please' yourself! Not another word! I fully intend to outlive all you sprogs, just see if I don't. And as for your 'future', it can kiss my big brown Feroxi arse!"

That said, he passed over her without a word. Flavia patted her shoulder and went over.

I could see the sadness in her eyes. She wanted to hope, but deep down she believed she failed.

I went to her and grabbed her shoulders.

Me:"I won't let him die. I'll do all I can."

Lucina:"And I believe you. But fate is already moving, and nothing can stop it."

Me:"We'll see about that."

Leaded by Flavia, we were able to escape with the Feroxi army while the others escaped.

For all the time, Basilio's face was unreadable. It was obvious he was thinking to something, but I couldn't understand.

When we reached Walhart's forces, the battle was already high.

I could do more, but I preferred to stay in the backline, so I could stick with Basilio.

Basilio:"Fall back and form up! Don't let them scatter us!"

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now