Chapter 20

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Chrom:"I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got us this far without being spotteted, but we've seen far too little of the Plegian Guard. Where are they?"

We were at the edge of Plegia, and we didn't meet a soldier since we entered.

Me:"Maybe they're trying to lure us. Remember that Gangrel wants the Fire Emblem."

Frederick:"Milord, our scouts report some manner of engagement downfield."

Chrom:"Understood. Get everyone ready to move."

Frederick:"These desert sands are certain to bog down our units, milord. Only mages and fliers will likely be able to proceed unhindered."

Me:"If I transform and use my bike I shouldn't have problems."

Chrom:"Hm. That might be an advantage."

In that moment we heard someone screaming.

Frederick:"What was that?"

Me:"Was it...a girl?"

We rushed across the sand hill and saw a young girl chased by a big guy.

???:"GET AWAY! Everyone just leave me ALONE!"

???:"Please, be keeping down with the voice! You give away position! Very bad!"

???:"My throat is dry, my shoes are full of sand, and some big weirdo is trying to KILL ME!"

???:"Oh, you break Gregor's heart! Why you treat like villain?"

Frederick:"Hold it there!"

They both turned to us. Chrom sheathed the sword against Gregor.

Chrom:"You there! Fiend! Keep your hands off that maiden!"

I grabbed his sword and lowered.

Me:"Put your weapon away Chrom. There's no need."

Chrom:"But he was-"

Me:"I saw his soul. He's innocent."

Gregor:"Listen your friend! You have idea wrong!"

Me:"Tell me, what happened here? And who is this girl?"

Gregor:"Well, shortly, we escaped from-"

???:"Gotcha, you slippery scamp! Prepare for a dose of Grima's wrath."

A weird guy showed up with an army behind.

Me:"Let me guess: from him."

Gregor:"Oy, this is most terrible! Do you see now? They make with the catching us!"

Me:"We'll deal with them. You stay close to that girl and keep her safe."

Gregor:"Aye aye, friend!"

???:"Y-You're going to help me?"

Chrom:"We'll do everything in our power to keep you safe."

Me:"And you can trust us, we always keep our promises."

The soldiers got ready to attack us.

Chrom:"Some of us needs to warn the closest villages of thr battle!"

Sumia:"I'll go!"

Cordelia:"I'll assist you!"

Ricken:"I'll go to the closest one!"

Lissa:"Let me go with you! I'll heal you in case of troubles!"

Vaike:"And my axe will give you a hand!"

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now