Chapter 2

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We kept walking in the forest until it was night.

Lissa:"I told you: it's getting dark already!...Ech! And now the bugs are out! Noisy, disgusting bugs that buzz around and crawl all over and bute you when-Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!"

Me:"Maybe if you try speak less...or rather, stop for a while...Anyway, are we stopping here?"

Chrom gave a look around and nodded.

Chrom:"Yes, it's a good spot. Lissa, want to help me gather firehood?"

But she was still complaining.

Lissa:"Tpht! Tpht! Yeeeeeuck!...I think I swallowed it...I'll pass on finding firehood, thanks. I think I've built QUITE enough character for one day."

Me:"Sure you did..."

Lissa:"What was that?"

Me:"Nothing...anyway, what about the food? I don't see anything with you."

Frederick:"There's no need. We'll just need a little hunting. Now, who wants to clear the campsite?"

After splitting the roles, we separated and in the end, we were all eating around a bonfire.

Chrom:"Mmm...It's been too long since I last had bear meat. Delicious!"

Me:"You say so? I feel it kinda towy."

Lissa:"Yeah, why couldn't you spear us an animal normal people eat for once? I mean, come on! Who eats bear!? You're meddling with the food chain."

Chrom:"Come'on, it's just meat."

Lissa:"Since when does meat smell like old boots!? Wait, I take it back, boots smell better!"

I turned to Frederick.

Me:"(Whispering) Serioulsy, how can you handle her?"

Frederick:"(Whispering) You get used to it after a while."

He then turned to her.

Frederick:"Every experience makes you stronger, milady. Even those we don't enjoy."

Lissa:"Really? Then why don't I see YOU eating, Frederick?"

Actually, I didn't notice he was there, sitting, with no food.

Frederick:"Me? Oh well...I'm not hungry. I...I had a large lunch! Yes, quite."

Lissa:"Yeah, right Frederick."

I facepalmed. It was an obvious lie.

Anyway, after eating I stood up.

Chrom:"Uh? Where are you going?"

Me:"Just a small walk. I need to collect my thoughts."

After I went far enough, I tried to find answers.

Me:'Ghost. Ghost, can you hear me?'

First, silence. But after some time...

Ghost Rider:'What is it, kid?'

Me:'I think you own me an explanation.'

Ghost:'About what?'

Me:'About the fact I find myself here instead to be in the Empire! Or whatever its name will be, now.'

Ghost Rider:'I think I already told you what happened.'

Me:'But how!? How could it happen!?'

Ghost Rider:'...Uff. Listen, the power you's not easy to explain. You have the ability to go from a world to the other at your will. The desire to escape from Esdeath's move was so deep that made you escape from the world itself.'

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now