Chapter 44

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The day after we received the Gemstone, Say'ri gathered us at the base of the tree.

Say'ri:"Factions of the Resistance are already uniting in answer to the Voice's call. Soon bards will sing of this day...'They who conquered the Conqueror!'"

Me:"A little redundant for me."

Nah:"It's inspiring though."

Me:"That said, it's a little soon for celebration, since Walhart is still unseen."

Say'ri:"He will muster his forces to put down the Rebellion. Then his gaze will turn to us. Against his full might, we would not last long."

Me:"Speak for yourself, I wouldn't have so much problems. Many they are, but still people."

Chrom:"I don't like to let you fight alone so many enemies. Where are his armies garrisoned?"

She pulled out a map and opened it on a big rock.

Say'ri:"The Valmese Imperial Army is comprised of three main division: one controls the north, one the south and the third the land between."

She pointed the north zone.

Say'ri:"Emperor Walhart commands the northern forces. Their might easily exceeds our own."

Then she pointed the south zone.

Say'ri:"The south is led by my brother, Yen'fay. His host is said to rival Walhart's."

I gave a deep look at the map. The various forces were connected only by a few paths.

Me:"Can we block communications between a group and the other? We might be able to make a surprise attack and reduce the numbers."

The others stared at the map, think to the possibilities.

Chrom:"Sai'ry, the third division, stationed between the other two..."

Sai'ry:"Aye, sir, at Fort Steiger, halfway along the highroad. In fact, not so far from where we stand now. We might stand a chance against them...but it would take speed and luck."

I scratched my head. 'Luck' was an other word I hate.

Me:"I have speed and power, but I doubt I have luck. Anyway, if you don't mind I must leave for a moment."

I started leaving while everyone stared at me.

Lissa:"What!? But this is important!"

Lucina:"Are you even listening?"

I all gave them an annoyed look.

Me:"...Nature's calling. You want me to do it here?"

Most of the girls blushed looking down(although I think Tharja had a weird light in her eyes), while most of the boys just tried not to make comments.

After I was far enough, I 'freed' myself.

You know what I mean.

Me:"...I don't get it."

Ghost Rider:'What?'

Me:"True, Walhart must be stopped, but like Tiki said our enemy is an other one."

Ghost Rider:'Yes, the dragon Grima. So?'

Me:"From Lucina's tale, he's the responsable of the Risen. But how can they stay here, if Grima isn't awaken yet?"

Ghost Rider:'Ah, so you thought it to.'

Me:"And then Validar. What is his role in this? Will he revive Grima? But how did he survive?"

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now