Chapter 30

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Frederick:"Milord, we have word from Plegia. They agreed to meet with us at their outpost on Carrion Isle. A poor venue should things go sour, as the island's name make plain. But then I don't see we have much of a choice."

Me:"Well, it HAS sense since we attacked Plegia. Yet again, it was for Gangrel's doing, but who knows how they see it. It's worth to try."

Chrom:"I don't like it, but this threat hangs over all of us, Plegia as well. They must see that."

Me:"Let's hope so, Chrom."

We took some time to arrive, taking out some Risens here and there.

When we reached the island, we immediately entered in the castle, where we found an ugly surprise.

???:"Greetings, Prince Chrom. Plegia welcomes you."

The owner of the voice was standing in the middle of the room, waiting for us. And she was...


Me:"So this is where you went! What the hell are are you doing here!?"

She smirked with a taunting laugh.

Aversa:"What can I say? It seems fate has designs for me yet."

Me:"Don't tell me you have your old job back!"

Aversa:"The current king saw my talents as useful for Plegia."

Chrom:"You serve the new king, then? This...Validar?"

Aversa:"I do."

Frederick:"They say he worships Grima..."

Me:"Grima? As in, the God of Chaos the people who chased Nowi spoke about?"

Aversa:"The very same. He is Grimleal. We are both believers. My liege often says it was his faith that got him through, after Gangrel's passing. It was a difficult time...But he kept order where there might have been chaos. We had meant to arrange an official visit to Ylisstol, but-Ah, here's my lord now."

Said guy showed up, and I had the second ugly surprise.

You see, the man I was looking was exactly identical to the guy who sent the assassins to kill Emmeryn at Ylisstol.

And if I hadn't been sure of his death, I would had punched him from the begin.

Validar:"An honour to finally meet you, sire. I am Validar, king regnant of Plegia."

Even the voice was the same.

Chrom:"The honour is mine, good king...Is it possible we've met before some...Gods! It can't be."

Validar:"Oh ho. I'm quite certain I would remember any encounter with Ylissean royalty."

Without been noticed, Chrom slowy got close to me.

Chrom:"(Whispering)Psst! Y/N!"

Me:"(Whispering)So you noticed. He's like the twin of the guy who tried to kill Emmeryn."

Validar:"And you must be Sir Y/N."

Me:"I don't feel at my ease with 'sir'. However yes, I am."

Validar:"The whole world knows of Ylisse's monster. And also your other look. Aversa, who saw you close, told me of your power."

Me:"Yeah, a shame I could see her 'closer'."

She smirked again, hiding behind Validar.

Chrom:"(Whispering)But you killed him, Y/N!"

Me:"(Whispering)I know. Something's wrong here...and I don't like it."

Validar:"My, the negotiations haven't even begun and already so much whispering..."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin