Chapter 43

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After we left the harbour, and after I've been introduced properly to the other members, Say'ri started to explain her plan.

Say'ri:"Since ancient times, many of our people have worshipped Naga."

Me:"You mean like those who worship Grima?"

Say'ri:"Yes, but we worship the Divine Dragon's oracle, Lady Tiki. Though most know her only as the Voice. The Voice is trapped in her temple as Walhart's prisoner. But if she were freed..."

Me:"...there would be more hope for the Resistance. Where is this temple?"

Say'ri:"It's built in the branches of the divine Mila Tree. She's confined there."

Chrom:"Then we have our plan. Let's get to it!"

The path to reach this tree wasn't very long. We just spend half day to arrive.

However, just with a look you could see it wasn't a normal tree.

He was gigantic, and his branches covered the sky.

Lissa:"Whoaaa...I don't think I've evere felt so small..."

Basilio:"I can't even see the top of it!"

Me:"So we'll be like Jack and his magic beans? What a drag..."

Frederick:"Most impressive indeed...So the shrine hides all the way up in its branches?"

Say'ri:"Aye, sir. A great staircase inside the trunk leads up to it."

I sighed in relief at the thought we didn't need to climb.

Say'ri:"However, the empire has closed off the only route to the steps. Or pheraps 'roots' to the steps, I should say."

Me:"You shouldn't."

Chrom:"Then we'll just have to break through. Come!"

We all went on the roots and began to advance. Though I must admit, it wasn't simple with all the moss.

I was about to fall when someone grabbed me.

???:"Are you ok?"

Me:"Yes, no...problem..."

I was shocked to see Kellam.

Me:"But...when did you arrive?"

Kellam:"Uh...I've been with you from the start. Like, since we left Ylisse."

Me:"How the heck..."

I just couldn't explain how someone so big could be ignored so easily.

Kellam:"Ah, I don't mind. I'm used to it. I just don't understand."

Me:"Well, neither do I."

While we talked, I almost didn't notice a Valmese soldier ready to attack.

I transformed and grabbed his sword.

He tried to take it back, but I was holding it tight.

Me:"Wait, let me."

I stoled it and with a move of the wrist I used the handle to hit his head.

He fell uncouscious on the root.

Me:"Looks like the battle is on. See you later, K-"

But when I turned back he already left.

Me:"Seriously, how can he do it?"

Ghost Rider:'Instead of losing time, you better reach the others. They're fighting further.'

Me:"Right away, 'boss'."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now