Chapter 26

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Chrom:"Are you sure you really have to go?"

I stared at the gates of the castle, looking the outside.

Me:"As you said, now this world is in peace, and there's no need of the spirit of vengeance. It's time to go home."

Chrom:"...I understand. But will you come back?"

Me:"Well, I surely wouldn't mind to pass by. But I have some things to take care."

Chrom:"Very well then. You have my gratitude for the help you gave us."

Me:"Just don't ruin everything while I'm away."

Chrom:"He he. Don't worry, I won't."



Me:"Is Tharja still behind the column?"

Chrom:"...Yes, she is..."

That said, I left with a final goodbye.

Yup, I wanted to leave that world behind.

I mean, we took care of everything after all, and there was no threat in the air, so why staying?

Sure, the biggest problem after I told the others was Tharja's insistence of coming with me.

And after I said no, her insistence of stalking me.

I had troubles to escape her, but I was able to leave Yllistol without her.

Only, it wasn't my only problem.

Me:"Hey Ghost."

Ghost Rider:'What now?'

Me:"I want to leave the world."

Ghost Rider:'That I know, kid. I'm with you, remember?'

Me:"You...don't seem to like it."

Ghost Rider:'I believe you should stay.'

I stopped near a lake and looked at my reflection. As expected, I saw the Rider.

Me:"Why should I? Gangrel is dead, there's nothing left for me."

Ghost Rider:'You forget Aversa. She escaped, remember?'

Me:"And what can she do by herself? I doubt Plegian would follow her again."

Ghost Rider:'And what do you say of that man who tried to kill Emmeryn? Aren't you worried of his words?"

Me:"He's dead now, and I doubt something would happen since Emmeryn is dead."

Ghost Rider:'Say what you want, but what about the Risen? Or Marth? Will you let it go?'

Me:"As much as I'm curios about where do the Risen come from, the Shepherds can handle them. And about Marth, well, she's not a threat, so..."

He grumped and looked away.

Ghost Rider:'It seems you already chose, kid. Do what you want.'

Me:"About that, how?"

For a while, none said a word. Until he turned to me.

Ghost Rider:'Seriously?'

Me:"Seriously! I need to use that power to reach my world!"

Ghost Rider:'And here I was wondering what you wanted. You must try to activate it by yourself."

Me:"If I could, I wouldn't  ask your help!"

Ghost Rider:'Well, then ask help to someone else.'

And in a blink, he disappeared leaving my reflection.

Me:"Wait, Ghost!".

No answer.

Me:"Oh great! Every single time!"

I kicked the water away scaring some birds.

Me:"Asking someone else...Hey, that might be a good idea".

I turned to sky clenching my fists.

Me:"Fu! I know you're somewhere close! I'm done here, so take me back home!"

I waited for something that could be an answer, but nothing happened.


Fu:"Jeez, you'll break my ears, you know?"

I jumped of surprise and saw Fu behind me, his fingers covering the ears.

Me:"You could answer."

Fu:"Give me time to show up. I can't be in more places at the same time."

Me:"Well, nevermind. Take me to my world."

He scratched his head looking up.

Fu:"Yeaaaaaaah, about that...can't do it."

I stared at him annoyed.

Me:"Excuse me?"

Fu:"Pheraps I should explain myself."

Me:"Pheraps you should."

Fu:"I have no problem to take you back, but you see, your job here isn't over yet."


Fu:"I gave a look at various version of the events happened here and the things I must stay here."

Me:"Why? What did you see?"

Fu:"Let's just say, bigger threats will show up. Things worse than Gangrel, and the responsable of the Risen will show up. The lights of the future will try to help, but if things go wrong, the world will be lost forever."

He turned to me with eyes full of determination.

Fu:"That's why you must stay. You'll face the corrupted one and you'll free him from his curse, with a battle that will be remembered forever! And then, you have my word, I'll personally escort you to home."

Me:"...You just want more data of me."

Fu:"Was it so obvious?"

I facepalmed looking away. I wondered what I did to have such a guy with me.

Ah, just so you know, he's still following me everywhere, every world I go.

Sure, in time I got used to his behaviour, but back them he was so annoying...

Me:"Well, fine, since you're all against me on this, I'll stay. Sure it'll be embarassing after that goodbye..."

Fu:"Oh, if that's what you're worried about, there's no need to go back right now."

Me:"And why is that?"

Fu:"Simple, the threat I told you won't show up for other two years."

Ok, now I ask you what would your reaction be? Because mine, well..."

Me:"TWO YEARS!? And you expect me to stay here for all this time!?"

Fu:"Well, of corse I'm not. That's why we'll take the shortcut."


He grabbed my hand and pulled me in a black vortex. After few second, we were on the same place of befoee.

Me:"What the hell have you done?"

Fu:"We're currently 2 years after the battle with Gangrel."

Me:"2 years!?"

Fu:"Hurry up. Today the new fight begins. Ba-Bye!"

That said he disappeared. I had so many questions, I felt almost lost and annoyed, but...

Me:"What can I do about it? Uff..."

Yup. That was my life.

Me:"Well, let's go to embarassing, though..."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now