Chapter 51

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It has been some days since we returned in Yllistol and it seemed everything was quiet.

To be honest, I didn't like it, for I was sure it was only a quick break before an other battle.

And it seemed I wasn't the only one worryed, as Chrom sighed.

Me:"Should I assume you're worried as well?"

He turned to me with a sad smile.

Chrom:"Is it so obvious? I've sent Frederick to search for Sable, the final Gemstone. And I've been reading more about the Awakening ritual."

Me:"Uh, and what is it about?"

Chrom:"It seems that whoever attempts the rite must brave Naga's fire. If both body and spirit survive the agony, they are blessed with the dragon's power."

Me:"Hmm, it reminds me the first time I became the Ghost Rider. But what happen if it fails?"

Chrom:"If that's the case, well, the candidate...dies."

I almost fell from the chair.

Me:"Excuse me!?"

Lucina:"What!? No!"

We immediately turned to see Lucina sneaking on us, completely embarassed. I honestly didn't expect it from her. More from Tharja.

Lucina:"...Er, that is...Father, must you attempt this?"

Chrom:"Eavesdropping, young lady?"

Y/N:"That aside, I agree with her. Are you sure it's safe to do this?"

Chrom:"Don't worry, I'll be all right. I will withstand Naga's fire. I'm sure of it."

Me:"That said, I-"

In that moment the door opened and we saw Frederick coming in with a weird look on his face.

Frederick:"Milord, I have returned."

However, he stood quiet.

Chrom:"Yes, Frederick? Did you find it?"

Frederick:"I believe so, sire. King Validar has extended an invitation. He says Plegia has been guarding Sable, and now he wishes to return it to you."

The news wasn't welcome for any of us.


Me:"And why now, of all the times? Couldn't he give it to us last time we met?"

Frederick:"They sent word to me, milord. They must have caught wind of my research...In any case, Validar asks that you visit him in person, that he might formally present it. Pheraps needless to say, milord, but I don't like this one bit."

Chrom:"Neither do I, Frederick the Wary. Neither do I."

Me:"Of course! I'm still sure he and Aversa were behind the Risen that attacked us after we left them."

Chrom:"True, but we have no proof to be sure. That said, I do think it as well, but we will meet with him. Send word at once."

Me:"Hey, you can't be serious!"

Frederick:"I agree, Milord. Are you certain that's wise?"

Chrom:"No, but we haven't time to be certain...And my sister never refused a diplomatic gesture, no matter how foul smelling."

Me:"But what if it's a trap and he won't give use the Gemstone?"

Chrom:"At least we may find some clues about its location. Don't worry, I'm not walking into this blindly. We will make certain everyone is armed to the teeth."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now