Chapter 12

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I was still nervous, so when I returned to Chrom I just avoided his questions with short answers.

I wasn't in the mood for stupid chatting and I was afraid to lose control.

While everybody were preparing for the journey, I waited to the gates of the city.

The sound of the wind, the peace of the surrounding and a cup of tea calmed me down.

Once I finished, the others were ready.

Me:"So, we go then?"

Chrom:"That's the intention, but are you sure you're ok?"

Me:"I know I was a little rude earlier, but I'm fine now."

Frederick:"It sure seems so, however I'd like to know what made you so nervous."

Me:"A personal matter. One I'll make sure to get rid of."

Frederick:"I hope you understand that doesn't explain a lot."

Emmeryn:"Enough Frederick. I'm sure Y/N has a big burden on his heart, but it's his choice to share it or not."


I bowed to her.

Me:"Thank you for respecting my privacy."

Emmeryn:"However, you know that burden will grow, and the pain you already bear will get worse. Some things can't be done by yourself."

My mind went at the CPUs, and their conditions after facing Vengeance.

Me:"...I'm sorry, but this isn't your problem. It's my responsability."

Emmeryn:"Very well. If this is your answer, so be it."

Chrom:"...Let's go then! We mustn't lose an other second more!"

That said, we left the city to reach the king of Plegia.

However, after some hours we received an unexpected visit.

A young boy with a spear and a pot on his head ran to us.

???:"Halp! You gots to help us! I'm beggin' you, milords!"

Chrom:"Slow down. What happened?"

???:"Oi! There's the wee piglet!"

Some brigands came out, chasing the boy.

Chrom:"...Great. Bandits."

Me:"Let me handle them."

Before he could say something I went at the closest one.

Brigand:"What's this? A little brat come to-"

I slammed my fist to his face breaking the nose and put him on the ground.

The other two backed away.

Brigand:"Woah, what in the world!?"

Brigand:"Aw, damn! Sh-Shepherds!"

I used my chains to tie the legs of the second while I kicked the third one against a tree.

I then pulled the chain and slammed the second to the ground.

Chrom:"There was no need to be so aggressive."

Me:"I held it back. Their all alive, so don't complain."

However, I felt sadness in Emmeryn's eyes.

Not that I cared, mind you.

Chrom:"Quickly lad. What happened here?"

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now