Chapter 37

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Lissa:"We pass from a ruin to a dark spooky castle? Why?"

Frederick:"Can't do much, I fear."

We reached the next zone, an abandoned castle called Manor of Lost Souls.

People said the place was hunted, but they were sure that a portal opened not to far from there.

Vaike:"Never fear, if there are some ghosts then, *gulp* I'll deal with them. Yeah, no problem, eh..."

Nowi:"Yeeeah, this place is so full of things! I want to explore!"

Gregor:"Wait now, it's no good to split up. Listen Gregor, we stay together."

Chrom:"I wonder if there is someone here. What do you think, Y/N? Uhm, Y/N?"

I was giving some glances here and there, without really paying attention.

Me:"What? Oh, yes, you're right."

Chrom:"Y/N, what's wrong? Is something worrying you?"

Lucina:"Since we left the Ruins of Time, you're strangely silent. Did something happen in there?"

Me:"No, not really. I was just...thinking about personal issues."

Chrom:"Well I-"

In that moment, in all the corridors we heard the echo of a scream.

Chrom:"Did everyone else hear a girl scream? Come on, Shepherds! Hurry!"

We prepeared our weapons and advanced.

Ricken:"I don't get it. Why would a girl be here?"

Virion:"Who knows. This is not a place for ladies."

Tharja:"I wouldn't mind to spend my time in a place like this, actually."

Me:"He meant 'normal' ladies."

Gaius:"Hey, what if it's, you know, a ghost?"

Donnel:"A g-g-ghost!?"

Miriel:"There's no scientific evidence that ghosts are real."

Vaike:"Well, I'll cut them down with my axe! Just like this statue here!"

He attacked what seemed a statue, but when the blade hit the target it roared in pain, causing Vaike to scream as well!

Me:"Look out!"

I grabbed my shotgun and blew his head up.

Vaike:"T-That was close!"

Me:"Risen, why am I not surprised?"

Maribelle:"Careful, there are more coming!"

Some Risen were slowly coming at us from the end of the room.

Sully:"This ain't good. That girl might be in danger."

Nowi:"I'll go to her! With my nose, I'll find her scent in a sec!"


She ran away without even turning in a dragon.

Me:"This is bad! Chrom, I'll go to her!"

Chrom:"Fine, we'll follow you after dealing with them."

I rushed to find her before she could get hurt because of her childish behaviour.

However, the more I proceeded, the more I found damaged walls and floors.

Or rather, burned and scratched.

Me:"Looks like she didn't hold back. Uh?"

My eyes noticed something. A paint was ruined by a scratch, but it was a little smaller than the others.

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora