I do have another choice

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I started killing. Damn it was hard.I mean 50 soldiers against me, HARD. For once I thought I should have listened to Lissa. But no I can't risk her life.I could hear Lissa screaming me to stop.But I won't. It's my duty to protect her. I saw those bastards looking at me like I was crazy and I saw Belicov commanding the soldiers. I didn't let a single soldier get to Lissa. If they were coming to her I killed them. I felt sympathy to all of them. They don't deserve to die. They are dying because of me and those kings.

Suddenly they surrounded like a circle. Well this is going to be hard. There were 25 soldiers. I really felt proud about my self. I killed 25 soldiers. Well they were attacking two by two. I can't take group at once. So this is going to be hard. Besides I was exhausted like hell. I am covering with bruises and sweating like a pig. I can't win this fight. Of course not.Bullshit. I need a damn plan.

"What do we do now?" Lissa asked.

Ivashcov answered her question. Not the answer that i wanted to hear.

"Drop your sword and bend the knee Little Guardian."

What. The. Fuck? What did he call me? Little Guardian?

I felt my self- burning with anger and I'm sure he noticed that too.

"Sorry if you don't like it. But we all can see that you don't have a choice. What do you want? Getting both of you into a huge trouble. I bet no. So come with us . We won't hurt you."

Something suddenly came into my mind.

Same words. Same damn words I heard 12 years ago.

" You don't have a choice Janine."

"I'm not here to hurt you."

" Try one last time and you will be in a huge trouble.

Anger started boiling inside me but I remained to stay calm.

Don't I really have a choice? A one last chance?

Oh no I do have a damn choice.

I turned to Lissa. "Do you want to go with them?"

"We don't have a choice." She whispered. I closed my eyes for a second and opened it again. I looked into her eyes and asked again.

"Princess Vasilissa Sabina Rhea Dragmoir, Do you want to with them?

"No" She whispered.

I turned to King Ivashcov and said "I'm sorry your majesty but i do have a choice."

With that I let my chaos open. I made all the soldiers blew away in a blink of  an eye. I wanted three kings gone away too but I realized that King Dimitri Belicov protected them with chaos.

So he is the chaos user.

When i was done they all were looking at me. I can't tell what was on their mind but amused, i guess.

I felt amazing. I felt like flying, powerful and other so many things. I didn't realize that my chaos were struggling to get out.


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