A GIRL????

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Fuck, That red headed guy must be her guardian. The other person we came for. That idiot killed him.

"Asshole" I heard Adrien saying."What do we do now?" asked Adrien. "I hope that they won't kill the princess too." I wish the same.

"Whoa What the hell?" christian told.  we all look at his direction and saw arrows from nowhere are headed to our soldiers.

"GO" I screamed to another 5 soldiers.

Suddenly a person dressed as an assassin came to the view and start fighting.

"The secret guardian." told Christian and Adrien together.

He killed all our first soldiers and turned to the princess and told her something. Princess's head shot up and looked at him and we saw her jaw open widely before she got up.

Secret guardian pointed at her and princess star to run to the horse. At that point our next group came near them and secret guardian started attacking them.

"Man this is going to be horrible before we stop it." Said Christian.

"We need to see his face." said Adrien

He was covering his face. It seems like they will escape so we need to see him.

"We have to go." I said.

"Yes let's go." we started going there with a rapid fast. At that point guardian has already killed 3 soldiers and he saw that we are headed to there. He started attacking fast and killed other 2 too. He started running to the horse but our we were heading fast.

"Ivan, aim to his mask." I told as I knew that they are going to escape.

Ivan obliged and shoot an arrow aiming his mask. Ivan is the best shooter after me so his aim got it. Not just his mask, his cloak fell down too.

We all suddenly stop from what we saw.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard Christian cursing.

"The Secret Guardian is a GIRL?"  asked Adrien.

Damn she is a girl. The whole time who we thought as a man is a girl.

We were too busy watching her while she suddenly reached to the horse with princess and start escaping from us.

The best thing is for the first time in my life I FELT GOOSE BUMPS WITH AN ELECTRICITY RUNNING INSIDE ME.

She is a damn chaos user.

"One of them brother." said Adrien. I haven't realised that I told that out loud. But what did he mean by one of them? I looked at him amused?

"I have the same feeling. So one of them is a spirit user and other one is a chaos user."

"Well we don't have time for this. Let's go now!"  said Christian and I nodded.

we all started moving again.

Secret princess (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu