Who Is That? -part 2

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Two weeks later....


This is thing is getting harder and harder day by day. So I assigned a stalker to get me information about Princess Dragmoir. He is my best friend, official guardian and Vika's fiance Ivan. He went to the dragmoir kingdom as a vendor and today he will come back. His last message was that he will come today by evening.

So we all have to wait until he arrives. I am currently in library reading a book about royals to find some information about Dragmoir kingdom. Vika is sitting in front of me reading a book about powers.

"Dimka, what can you actually do with your powers? You don't let anyone of us come to meet you while your practicing." She asked and I let out a small sigh and started answering her.

"So many things Vika. So many things. It's hard to practice because chaos is powerful. And it is practically harmful."

"How are you practicing things without a mentor?" She asked again.

"Oh it's not a problem. I have read all the books about it so all I have to do is memorizing the spells. But I really wish to meet another chaos user to practice." I told her.

"What can you do?" She asked.

"I told you so many things. It's hard to explain." It is.

"Hmm alright. Look here it says when a woman has chaos she is not powerful as men."

"Yes. That's right. It is right. Chaos weaken us. Women are not powerful but they can be amazing when they use it if they practice hard. Spirit has the exact different. Men are not powerful as women in spirit." At that time a guard came in.

"Your Majesties, Guardian Ivan Zeklos has arrived."

"Thank you." We both said together.

"Now now Vika please wait until we finish discussing about princess to take him to your bed." I said with a simile knowing her plans making her blush.

"Oh really? Then hurry your ass up brother."

We all went to the conference room again to meet him.

"Hello brother!" I told him but he was busy kissing Vika.

"Now now please stop you guys we do not want get our innocent eyes damaged" Said Adrien with a humorous laugh.

"I swear to god if you are not the king of Ivashkov land I would have killed you already." said Ivan.

" Royals back to the discussion. Ivan what have you gathered?" asked Christian

So much but princess's power is a secret. Nobody knows about it." said Ivan.

"It's alright what else?" I asked.

"As we thought there aren't much soldiers. There are like 200 now. Around her there are like 50. I'm not sure about that because it is not clear but that is not the real problem." said Ivan.

"Then what is it?" asked Mama.

"There is a secret assassin, a guardian with her."

"A secret guardian?" I asked.

"Yes. He or she appears when princess is in a problem. Or that's what people knows. Nobody knows much, because he or she is a secret." said Ivan.

"He or she?" asked Adrien

"Yes. Gender is not revealed. But I assume that guardian is a he". said Ivan

"Why?" asked Vika.

"For two reasons, One, a lady guardians are rare like  I don't think there are any. Two, from what I've heard he is  badass, well practiced and amazing when it's come to protect princess." said Ivan.

"I see." said Vika.

"Well this really is interesting." said Christian.

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