Secret Guardian

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5 soldiers were coming to get me. I couldn't move. I couldn't even keep watching. I hoped that they will kill me. There wasn't a damn reason to be alive. Everyone who loved me and whom I loved are now dead. There is only one hope but I don't even want to hold on to it.

I started hating. I want to hate everything.

T hey are so close now. I still couldn't move. I just watch them with a blank expression. They stopped. They came near to me by step by step.

"Princess, we are not here to do any harm. Come with us. We have been ordered to bring you without doing any harm but at any cost. So come with us or else we have to drag you. We do not..." a soldier started but suddenly gasped.

I lift my head up and saw blood pouring from his chest as an arrow is there. One arrow followed by another to another soldier's heart coming from the behind. The other three soldiers took their swords soon and I saw from the distance that another soldiers are headed towards us.

Arrows kept coming but from no where but soldiers were avoiding them too. I was actually not sure what to do. I had no idea what is going on.

All of a sudden a person who wore black jumped in between me and the soldiers, and started fighting. He kept fighting, actually killing those soldiers when he killed the last three soldiers from the first group he turned to me.

"PRINCESS VASILISSA DRAGMOIR !" "What the FUCK are you doing?" RUN ! NOW!" and it clicked me who this is . This is my secret guardian.

Secret princess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now